Workshop challenge solution

Posted by gapercoco on 17-Jan-2017 09:55

This is my solution to the challenge of the "KUIB" workshop.
The first clarification is that I assume that all sections of the guide have been completed and that section 5 implements the option "$" and not "onRowSelect".

My implementation is as follows:
1 - In .. \ src \ scripts \ Customers-Customer_order_orderLine \ view-factory.js to the onShow event I add the following line:


Like this:

               return $scope._$viewModels['customerDSModel'];
              }, function(newValue, oldValue){
                        var filter = {
                            field: 'CustNum',
                            operator: 'eq',
                            value: newValue.CustNum
			angular.element("#orderCustomerName").text(newValue.Name); // THIS LINE ADDED FOR SHOW NAME

Then in the KUIB -> Customers -> Customer_Order_OrderLine at the "Custom HTML" added on section 8 add a new span element with id="orderCustomerName". Like this:

<div style='font-size: 32px; font-weight: bold; width:100%; text-align: center; line-height: 65px; vertical-align: middle'>
Orders for <span id="orderCustomerName"></span> <!-- THIS ELEMENT ADDED FOR SHOW NAME-->

And thats all!.



All Replies

Posted by Ricardo Perdigao on 17-Jan-2017 10:37

Thanks Guillermo!! I will review it in details soon ...

Warm Regards,

Ricardo Perdigao

Posted by jts-jjm on 17-Jan-2017 14:25

Here's what I've done.

added following to app.css

.gridTitle {

   text-align: center;

font-size: 24px;

font-weight: 700;


set title to

<div class="gridTitle" id="orderTitle">Order for X</div>

then did the magic by changing watch function in view-factory.js


                       return $scope._$viewModels['customerDSModel'];

                   }, function(newValue, oldValue){

                       var filter = {

                           field: 'CustNum',

                           operator: 'eq',

                           value: newValue.CustNum



                       var orderTitle = angular.element( document.querySelector( '#orderTitle' ) ); // get title element

                       orderTitle.text('Order for ' + newValue.Name);                                                     // set title text


Posted by Stephen Meyerhofer on 17-Jan-2017 14:28

Here are my steps to a solution for the workshop challenge. Assume that the Workshop Guide has been completed all the way through to Appendix A.

  1. Bring onRowSelect back to the customerGrid Row Select Event Function property.
  2. Add id="orderGridLabel" as a property to the order grid title custom HTML.
  3. The C:\KUIBApps\Sports\src\scripts\Customers-Customer_Order_OrderLine\view-factory.js CustomersCustomerOrderOrderLine.prototype should be extended with the following code.
onFirstLoad: function() {
	// On data load, select the first row in master grid'tr[data-uid]:eq(0)');
onRowSelect: function() {
setOrderGridLabel: function() {
	var scope        = this.scope;
	var dataGrid     = scope.customerGrid.widget;
	var selectedLine =;
	var customerName = dataGrid.dataItem(selectedLine).Name;
	document.getElementById("orderGridLabel").innerHTML = customerName + '<br>Orders';

And that is it! Thank you, Ricardo.

Posted by Ricardo Perdigao on 17-Jan-2017 14:35

Thanks for the post Jeff!!! Myself and Edsel will review it in detail soon!!!  

All the best,

Ricardo Perdigao

Posted by Ricardo Perdigao on 17-Jan-2017 14:36

Hi Stephen,

Thanks for the solution!!! Myself and Edsel will be reviewing all of them soon!

Warm Regards,

Ricardo Perdigao

Posted by Amit Joshi on 18-Jan-2017 06:47

Here is my solution:

  • Provide ID to Orderlabel as 'ordLabel'
  • Now fill html formatted, selected value of customer name ie, Name of newValue.
  • Add this code inside $watch, ie below $scope._$ds['orderDS'].filter(filter);
if ($scope.customerGrid.widget != null) {

angular.element('#ordLabel').html(angular.element('<div style='font-size: 32px; font-weight: bold; width:100%; text-align: center; line-height: 65px; vertical-align: middle'>Order of ' + newValue.Name + '</div>'));


Posted by ashon shakya on 18-Jan-2017 23:06

Workshop challenge Solution:

1. Add a <div/ > with id="orderLabelName" to html element for Order Label.

<div id="orderLabelName" style='font-size: 32px; font-weight: bold; width:100%; text-align: center; line-height: 65px; vertical-align: middle' 

>Orders  </div>

2. Add the following code to view-factory.js of Customers-Customer_order_orderLine. The code should be added inside $scope.$watch \ src \ scripts \ Customers-Customer_order_orderLine \ view-factory.js

-  angular.element('#orderLabelName').html('Orders of ' + newValue.Name);  

                        return $scope._$viewModels['customerDSModel'];
                    }, function(newValue, oldValue){
                        var filter = {
                            field: 'CustNum',
                            operator: 'eq',
                            value: newValue.CustNum
			 angular.element('#orderLabelName').html('Orders of ' + newValue.Name); <!-- this line -->


Changes in the parent ie. CustomerGrid is reflected in $scope.$watch and filters accordingly to the child ie. OrderGrid. 
Here the filter is done using object 'newValue' which is the selected customer object from CustomerGrid.
 In the same process the added code will search for element with id = "orderLabelName' and replace the html with Customer name ie. 'newValue.Name'.

Posted by Ricardo Perdigao on 19-Jan-2017 12:54

Hi everyone,

All the submissions were great and they all hit the mark!! Unfortunately, we only have two prizes!

Edsel and I rebuilt all your solutions and it was extremely hard to pick winning ones.  


  • Guillermo - UI 10 Simplicity 10  - Winner
  • Ashon - UI 10 Simplicity 9 - Winner
  • Jeff - UI 8 Simplicity 10 (font did not match with the top title)
  • Stephen - UI 10 Simplicity 8 (duplicates existing event/code)
  • Amit - UI 10 Simplicity 8 (extra Angular.element and issue with quotes)

Thank you all for participating in the workshop and doing the challenge!!!  Please let me know if you have additional questions!

Until the next one ... 

Ricardo Perdigao

Posted by ashon shakya on 20-Jan-2017 01:12

Hi Ricardo,

It was great participating in the workshop and the challenge. Will be looking forward to more workshops on Kendo UI Builder. Even though in its initial development phase it is has shown great potential and really cuts the development process down. Also will be looking forward for more updates. Thank you.


Ashon Shakya

Posted by gapercoco on 20-Jan-2017 06:15

Hi Ricardo and Edsel, thanks for the workshop and the knowledge provided in it. And thank you for choosing my proposal to challenge as one of the winners!

I look forward to a new workshop on kendo!

Thank you!.

Posted by Ricardo Perdigao on 20-Jan-2017 10:14

Everyone, please make sure to check this link posted by Edsel on the WIKI area (also below).  It has some very useful KUIB samples!  The form with CRUD sample is more complex than the one we've used on the workshop:

Posted by gapercoco on 20-Jan-2017 13:05


By the way, whats the prize?

Posted by Ricardo Perdigao on 20-Jan-2017 13:08

Hi Guillermo,

An Ipad Mini.  Can you and Ashon please send me an email with the address where Progress should be sending them to?  My email is

Thanks in advance and warm regards,

Ricardo Perdigao

Posted by gapercoco on 02-Feb-2017 08:22

Hi Ricardo and Edsel!, i just got the iPad mini!! Thank you, Edsel and all the Progress Team!


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