How to define initial sorting in KUIB particular for servers

Posted by p4m on 06-Dec-2016 11:06


is there an easy or recommended way to define initial sorting for the data grids.

By default the records are sorted by the value of the primary index.

In many cases this isn't useful.

Thanks in advance.


Posted by p4m on 31-Dec-2016 05:47

Hi Edsel,

to make it work I changed the statement to

$scope.model.gridOptions.dataSource.sort = function() {

                   return {field: "LastName", dir: "asc"};



All Replies

Posted by egarcia on 06-Dec-2016 13:02

Hello Wolfgang,

By default the records are sorted by the value of the primary index of the temp-table.

If wanted, you could change the primary index of the temp-table in the Business Entity. It does not have to be the same as the index in your actual database table.

In Kendo UI Builder you can specify a default sorting for the data source by overriding the sort configuration property.

For a pre-defined template, you can override the sort property in the onShow() function in the <project>/src/scripts/<view-name>/view-factory.js file.


onShow: function($scope, customData) {

   this.scope = $scope;

   $scope.customerDg.options.dataSource.sort = {field: "CustNum", dir: "desc"};


Note: customerDg is the name of view.

For a view created using the Blank view option in KUIB 1.1, the syntax is a bit different.

Please let me know if you are using KUIB 1.1.

I hope this helps,


Posted by p4m on 07-Dec-2016 05:29

Hello Edsel,

thanks for your hints. Changing the primary index in the temp-table works fine for client-side processing, with serverside paging it only sorts the results of each page returned bs the server.

This will probably happen with sorting onShow. I tried sorting onShow as described by you, but I always get the error

angular.js:13424 TypeError: Cannot read property 'options' of undefined

   at LandOrtsliste.onShow (view-factory.js:22)

My app's name is Land and the view is called Ortsliste

I tried $scope.Ortsliste.options.dataSource.sort={field: "obez"}; and

$scope.LandOrtsliste.options.dataSource.sort={field: "obez"};

I get the same error

To get the right sorting with serverside pagind, it is necessary to add a "use-index" or "by" clause to the query-statement.

There is a capability "orderBy" in the business entity for serverside paging (name="mappingType", value="JFP"). (name="capabilities", value="ablFilter,top,skip,id,orderBy").

So the question is, how to define an initial value for the orderBy-value.

best regards


Posted by Mike Fechner on 07-Dec-2016 05:42

The way we have solved this is using an annotation in the Business Entity (but a property should work just as well).
That way we can define a default sort for a Business Entitiy which is used whenever the client (GUI, GUI for .NET or Kendo) does not provide a sort.

Posted by egarcia on 07-Dec-2016 06:15

Hello Wolfgang,

If you are using Kendo UI Builder 1.0, please check that Ortsliste is in lowercase:

   $scope.Ortsliste.options.dataSource.sort={field: "obez"};

If you are using kendo UI Builder 1.1, your code would need to look like the following:

   onShow: function($scope, customData) {

       this.scope = $scope;

$scope.model.options.dataSource.sort = function() {

   return {field: "CustNum", dir: "desc"};



You can use the JavaScript Debugger to query the properties of $scope.

By default the sort option is processed on the client side.

You can unckeck the "Client-side Processing" option in the Edit Data Source dialog to enable the server-side processing: server paging, server filtering and server sorting.

The sort expression (orderBy) is sent to the server with server-side processing enabled.

I believe that you have already enabled the JFP in your Business Entity following the sample shown in the documentation:

It is important to highlight that the server-side sorting is implemented by using a "seq" field in the temp-table definition.



FIELD seq           AS INTEGER      INITIAL ?




The seq field is set when resolving the query with the sorting.

The result is then returned using the order of the primary index which corresponds to the specified sorting.

This also enables sorting the grid dynamically when using the "Enable Sorting" option.

Please try these suggestions and let me know how it goes.



Posted by p4m on 07-Dec-2016 15:40

Hello Edsel,

I am using the Kendo UI Builder 1.0.

The view is named Ortsliste in the KUIB but

$scope.Ortsliste.options.dataSource.sort={field: "obez"}; throws the reference error.

$scope.ortsliste.options.dataSource.sort={field: "obez"}; doesn't throw an it works fine for clientside processing - not for serverside paging, but that is ok.

So there is a difference between the name of a view as it is defined and the internal KUIB use.

In an other example the view-name is "Land-List" and  $scope.landList.options.dataSource.sort={field: "ldplz", dir: "asc"}; is working. This I found out by trial and error.

Defining an other view which is a copy of "Ortsliste" with name "Ortex" I get the reference error again. How can I find out the internal name of the view? Is it a bug fixed in Version 1.1?

thanks & cheers


Posted by egarcia on 08-Dec-2016 08:57

Hello Wolfgang,

>> $scope.ortsliste.options.dataSource.sort={field: "obez"}; doesn't throw an it works fine for clientside processing - not for >> serverside paging, but that is ok.

To understand why serverside paging is not working, you would need to look at the payload that is sent to the server and the response to see if they expected.

I believe that you should be able to use "ortex". The generation in version 1.0 uses camel case and removes hyphens.

I generally, look at the object with the debugger to find out the name.

In Kendo UI Builder in version 1.1 uses "model" instead of the name of the view.

I hope this helps,


Posted by egarcia on 08-Dec-2016 10:08

One more thing regarding Kendo UI Builder version 1.1.

For views created using the Blank view option, you would define datasources to use in the view and access the datasource and the model programmatically by using:



If the data-source-name is something like "CustomerDS", the model name would be "CustomerDSModel".


Posted by p4m on 30-Dec-2016 14:01

Hi Edsel,

following your hints I got the sort I wished with KUIB 1.0 for both client and server side processing.

Now with KUIB 1.1. I followed your advice and defined:

               /* "customData" is the data return by the viewInitHandler handler*/

               onShow: function($scope, customData) {

                   this.scope = $scope;

                   $scope.model.options.dataSource.sort = function() {

                      return {field: "LastName", dir: "asc"};



an now I  get the console message

TypeError: Cannot read property 'dataSource' of undefined

   at OrderEntryEmployee.onShow (view-factory.js:23)

Is there any documentation for KUIB 1.1 for how to set sort and ablfiler for the onShow event?

thanks in advance

kind regards


Posted by p4m on 31-Dec-2016 05:47

Hi Edsel,

to make it work I changed the statement to

$scope.model.gridOptions.dataSource.sort = function() {

                   return {field: "LastName", dir: "asc"};



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