I built a screen using Kendo UI Builder with grid in it.
Then I used count function in the data provider so that I can get the data from server page by page.
I have set the page size as 20. I have also created ReadCustomer method to get data with filter as input parameter (as specified in https://community.progress.com/community_groups/openedge_kendo_ui_builder/w/openedgekendouibuilder/2879.kendo-ui-builder-launch-demo)
I have implemented count (with filter as input parameter) method as well. However I always get all the records from the server on the screen.
I examined the call being made to the server using Chrome developer tools and found out that there is no filter parameter specified in the call. I am not sure where do I need to change to make this working.
I have attached the Catalog and the source files used. I would appreciate any help on this.
Thanks Sanjeev!
It works. Hope to get updated version soon with the missing functionalities.