I'm evaluatting the KUIB and I miss the globalization feature of the Telerik Kendo.
I would like to provide german texts and dialogs to the users as well as date field formats (dmy and not mdy) etc.
Is this only in the EVAL-version not available?
Are there plans for Globalization?
thanks in advance
You are welcome Wolfgang.
I changed the culture settings in a app and I was able to get a field using Semantic Type of Currency to show using Euro whereas by default it uses the Dollar sign.
For this particular usage, I changed index.html.ejs. It is an .ejs template. I did not need to change a view template for this.
I changed <project>/resources/webapp/index.html.ejs to contain the following text:
<!-- build:js({.tmp,app}) scripts/scripts.js -->
<script src="scripts/kendo.all.js"></script>
script src="scripts/kendo.culture.de-DE.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/progress.all.js"></script>
<!-- endbuild -->
<script type="text/javascript">
I changed the .ejs file in an existing project, however, you could also change KendoUIBuilder/generator-starnova/generators/app/resources/webapp/index.html.ejs if you want new projects to use the customized version.
The culture scripts are not currently included with Kendo UI Builder.
You can find the culture scripts in GitHub:
The code at the bottom uses kendo.culture() to set the culture.
See overview document docs.telerik.com/.../overview
If you need to set the culture dynamically, you can use the approach used in the following example:
I hope this helps,
Hello Wolfgang,
A possible approach would be to update the code in the view template file so that the corresponding JavaScript file (as described in the links mentioned by Anil) is included in the generated apps.
I hope this helps,
Hello Edsel,
thanks for the hint. But where is the view template file located?
You are welcome Wolfgang.
I changed the culture settings in a app and I was able to get a field using Semantic Type of Currency to show using Euro whereas by default it uses the Dollar sign.
For this particular usage, I changed index.html.ejs. It is an .ejs template. I did not need to change a view template for this.
I changed <project>/resources/webapp/index.html.ejs to contain the following text:
<!-- build:js({.tmp,app}) scripts/scripts.js -->
<script src="scripts/kendo.all.js"></script>
script src="scripts/kendo.culture.de-DE.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/progress.all.js"></script>
<!-- endbuild -->
<script type="text/javascript">
I changed the .ejs file in an existing project, however, you could also change KendoUIBuilder/generator-starnova/generators/app/resources/webapp/index.html.ejs if you want new projects to use the customized version.
The culture scripts are not currently included with Kendo UI Builder.
You can find the culture scripts in GitHub:
The code at the bottom uses kendo.culture() to set the culture.
See overview document docs.telerik.com/.../overview
If you need to set the culture dynamically, you can use the approach used in the following example:
I hope this helps,
Hello Edsel,
thanks a lot, this works fine - currency and date fields are formatted quite well.
Now I did the next step - on ice: I added <script src="scripts/kendo.messages.de-DE.js"></script> to the index.html.ejs.
I expeted that the texts with the column filtering feature should bee translated - but this is not working. Perhaps we have to wait for the upcomn version release?!?
kind regards