How to use Kendo UI Builder with a data provider from a data

Posted by p4m on 19-Nov-2016 10:45

I tried to use a data provider that was build for a Telerik App using an data object web application project.

So I have a restservice running on a tomcat server.

Within the Kendo UI Builder it works fine using this as the datasource.

But I am not able to deploy the web app to the tomcat server.

Is there a recommended way for deployment to a webserver other than PAS OE?

thanks in advance


Posted by p4m on 21-Nov-2016 04:57

Hi Sanjeev,

your info was helpfully and it also works for tomcat-WebServers.

1.) deploy the xyApp.war-file  to the webapps directory of the tomcat-server

2.) restart the ttomcat-server

3.) move the directory xyApp to the ROOT-directory in the webapps-directory

that's it - and it works

Thanks a lot


All Replies

Posted by Sanjeva Manchala on 20-Nov-2016 10:20

Currently we don’t have in built support for deploying of KUIB output to tomcat Web Server. But you can deploy the output of KUIB to any Web Server. I just tried to deploy the output of KUIB to OE Web Server and able to launch the application. Here are the steps I followed:

1.       Copy the build output of KUIB App to OE Web Server’s ROOT directory (C:\Progress\OpenEdge\servers\tomcat\webapps\ROOT)

2.       Start tomcat OE Web Server

3.       Now access the OE Web Server (http://localhost:8980)

Since we have copied to ROOT directory of OE Web Server, we can directly see KUIB app running when access the above URL.
Hope this helps,

Posted by p4m on 21-Nov-2016 04:57

Hi Sanjeev,

your info was helpfully and it also works for tomcat-WebServers.

1.) deploy the xyApp.war-file  to the webapps directory of the tomcat-server

2.) restart the ttomcat-server

3.) move the directory xyApp to the ROOT-directory in the webapps-directory

that's it - and it works

Thanks a lot


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