Timeout exception when accessing Pacific Application Server

Posted by Kai Siegele on 13-Mar-2017 05:46


I am using the 64-bit version of Open Edge 11.6.3 under Windows 10. I have created a new pacific application server. Now I want to check the speed of accessing some queries. For that purpose I have written a batch invoking a progress procedure several times. This procedure creates a server handle, invokes the connect-method for that handle and starts a procedure running on the server.

Everything works fine but sometimes trying to connect the pacific application server fails with an exception. Since catching the exception of type Progress.Lang.Error I cannot retrieve an error message, I am digging in the log-files for further information.

In the <PASOE Instance>.date.log I found a timeout-exception when reserving a connection (Zeitüberschreitungs-Fehler bei der Reservierung einer Verbindung - com.progress.appserv.broker.exception.BrokerException$NoAvailableConnectionsException: Agent:No Available Connections[cannot start new agent]:Agent. (18298) in german).

Has anyone an idea whether this exception is the reason for my problem? And which of the parameter I need to extend for preventing this error?

Kind regards

Kai Siegele

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