Hi all!
Pro2Oracle v., Unix, OE 11.7.5
The first question - is it possible to change the datatype of PRROWID field on Oracle side from CHAR to NUMBER?
The second question - is it possible to generate value of PROGRESS_RECID not by SEQUENCE but as TO_NUMBER(ROWID) or something like that?
The goal is to discard the unique index for the string field "PRROWID", instead save the ROWID of the record from OpenEdge as a number in the field PROGRESS_RECID to have only one unique index by PROGRESS_RECID .
The problem is that my client wants to partition target tables in Oracle to improve performance. But Oracle experts now claim that this is not possible in the current architecture of tables that Pro2 generates. They claim that the current configuration with which Pro2 works is extremely dangerous for exploitation for big data, when a single target table reaches several terabytes in Oracle.
I would be grateful for any thoughts and advice!