Pro2 6.0.1 service pack released on 12/04/2019

Posted by temays on 18-Dec-2019 16:27

Progress Pro2 Release Notes
Ports: All
Date: December 2019
Copyright (c) 2019 Progress Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
All use, reproduction, transfer, publication or disclosure is prohibited except as expressly permitted in the applicable license agreement.


1. Release Notes for
2. Customer reported defects fixed in
3. Trademark Notice
4. Proprietary Information Statement
5. Documentation Third Party Acknowledgements

1. Release Notes for

OCTA-17504 : Added REPL_RESTART_ON_SKIPPED functionality
Replication threads read replqueue events in FIFO order, meaning occurrences are usually processed in the order in which they were received.
However, when locked records/open transactions are encountered, processing of the replqueue row can be deferred until the next full read of the table.
If a thread is heavily backlogged, the elapsed time to get to the end of the queue before retesting skipped items can trigger a lag alarm.

A new property labeled “REPL_RESTART_ON_SKIPPED” has been added to alter whether a thread should make a full pass on replqueue before attempting to reprocess skipped events.

All threads check for a shutdown event every 1000 reads of the replqueue table. If the property REPL_RESTART_ON_SKIPPED exists, contains a value of “YES” and the thread skip row counter has a value greater than 0, the thread will leave the replqueue read loop and restart processing from the top of the queue, oldest records first.

OCTA-16960: Pro2Ora – Added support for nvarchar2 datatype
When the Pro2 property VARCHAR_TYPE contains a value of nvarchar, the Oracle SQL Generator and Oracle SQL Diff Generator will output nvarchar2 as the datatype conversion for all OE based CHARACTER fields.

2. Customer reported defects fixed in
OCTA-17920 : Pro2 thread is crashing with error that the value is too large for a column.
OCTA-17917 : Added "Select all tables" option for Advanced configuration page to updated all tables at once.
OCTA-17916 : Fixed breadcrumb links
OCTA-17807 : Added support to work on IE browser
OCTA-17739 : Modified Pro2v6_Web_install.bat to support update/re-install of WebApp installation.
OCTA-17452 : Compile issues are fixed against OE 10.2B version
OCTA-17290 : Dashboard loading performance was improved
OCTA-17244 : Updated REPL_LOG_EXCLUDES list to exclude "Closing Replication Proc Log" message
OCTA-16963 : CDC admin process has been reworked to eliminate the bottleneck in converting _cdc-change-tracking records to ReplQueue records.
OCTA-16840 : Replqueue count function not working on WAN setup
OCTA-16504 : Attachment missing for the Save Properties functionality
OCTA-16459 : PROGRESS_RECID and PROGRESS_RECID_IDENT_ indexes are generation was moved within the main SQL table creation file.
OCTA-16452 : merge trigger code for delete generates incorrect ReplQueue.EventType
OCTA-16444 : CDC thread 0 can not be used when split threads are enabled
OCTA-16429 : When generating a target schema for MSS, the full SQL Schema Generator and Differential Schema Generator produce different output for source-side character fields that are defined as an array.

3. Trademark Notice
All Progress brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates. Any other names contained herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. No license is granted to reproduce or use any such brand, product name, or trademark, except as expressly permitted under the applicable software license agreement.

4. Proprietary Information Statement
Progress Software Corporation considers information included in this software to be Confidential Information. Your access to and use of this Confidential Information is subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable software license agreement. Accordingly, you may not disclose or disseminate any such Confidential Information, except as expressly permitted under such license

5. Documentation Third Party Acknowledgements
Progress OpenEdge Pro2 does not use any third-party libraries.

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