Hi all,
We are running PRO2 5.0.4 on OE 11.7.3 and recently stumbled upon the interesting thread containing the PRO2 Website Configuration and the Document (Pro2_Web_Dev_Installation.pdf) so following the thread and details I have had ago at configuring this on our PRO2 server but hit what looks like a Licensing issue but im not 100% which Licence the it is complaining about
so on our PRO2 server we have.Licensed..
Progress ProdAS for OE
OE DataServer MS SQL Server
4GL Development System
Client Networking
But when trying to start the AppServer, I get the below so I assume this means to get the Website working I would need to Purchase a Standard AppServer License for the PRO2 Server, is there anything else I would need OE\License wise to get this moving ?
Also I assume can you perform the same tasks from within the website as you can through the admin utility and what if any are there any more benefits
[19/07/02@12:03:56.159+0100] P-005888 T-Main 1 --- --- D:\Advanced\Temp\wrk_oev11\restbroker1.broker.log opened.
[19/07/02@12:03:56.159+0100] P-005888 T-Main 1 --- --- Logging level set to = 2
[19/07/02@12:03:56.159+0100] P-005888 T-Main 1 --- --- Log entry types activated: UBroker.Basic,
[19/07/02@12:03:56.232+0100] P-005888 T-Main 2 UB Basic Licence Exception: com.progress.common.licensemgr.LicenseMgr$NotLicensed: Not licensed to run this product.
[19/07/02@12:03:56.232+0100] P-005888 T-Main 1 UB ----------- ERROR : Not licenced to run this product. (8452)
cheers in Advanced