Using Labs in PDSOE

Posted by on 28-Feb-2019 00:06

Hi All,

RTB 11.8.1, OpenEdge 11.7.3

We have upgraded to Roundtable 11.8.1, and are starting to use Labs to allow testing and development is PASOE.

We currently have a main Dev PASOE instance, where code is checked out, and worked on, but multiple developers fall over each others changes.

To prevent the falling over each other, we are spinning up a PASOE instance for each developer.  They are then responsible for their dev environment, starting, stopping, reviewing logs, making changes, without having code checked out the whole time and blocking other development, and any changes they make does not cause other developers to deal with their bugs/log messages etc.  When they are happy with their testing, they check out the code and merge it into RTB as they normally do, reducing the amount of time the object is check out.

The PROPATH for the PASOE instance has the main dev code base in it, as well as a users "personal" lab directory, where they can put code that only they will have access to, and test within the main code base. 

We facilitate this through the "Classic" GUI UI, creating a Lab task, with a share status of Task/Group/Central, and a Directory of the personal lab directory.

But .. it fails on the PASOE RTB interface.  This allows objects to be checked out in labs, but only into the task directory, not the users lab directory.

The PASOE interface also does not expose the share directory to be changed or overridden.

The problem is now, for every task we create, we need to add that task into the PROPATH of the PASOE agent, so it picks up those LAB changes.  This is becoming a logistical problem.

So, the question is, can the Labs in PASOE mirror the pathing used in RTB GUI , so we can check out objects into a lab area, that is at the top of the PROPATH known by our PASOE instance?



Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 26-Apr-2019 11:50

Roundtable TSMS 12.0 is now available.

All Replies

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 28-Feb-2019 13:55


When using Eclipse/PDSOE, the <project>/Task_XX directory *is* the Task/Lab directory. Eclipse requires that the resources exist within the Eclipse project.

To make sure that I understand, in the classic GUI you are specifying the same directory (per user) for each Task?

In the past we've bounced around the idea of using just the project directory as the Roundtable Task directory instead of creating individual 'Task_XX' directories under the project (this would be a user-preference). Although that may create some limitations, it sounds like that kind of functionality would solve your issue as there would just have to be the single PROPATH entry that would have to be maintained (like what I think you described). Would that resolve your issue?

In the meanwhile, I have some work-around ideas (possibly). Question: are the PASOE instances on each developer's machine, or a central testing appserver machine?

Posted by Neil Treeby on 28-Feb-2019 14:01

Keeping an eye on this because I can see it becoming an issue with us as well, though our solution may involve moving away from using RTB for development version control and using RTB version control only for deployments and other SCM operations.

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 28-Feb-2019 14:06

Hi Neil. I don't see that as a great solution. What are your challenges?

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 28-Feb-2019 15:10

FYI, Neil and I are taking this to a separate discussion offline to avoid hi-jacking this thread. :)

Posted by on 28-Feb-2019 21:22

Hi Jeff,

In GUI, we specify the openedge directory in the PAS instance, so it gets picked up by the PAS PROPATH

For me, it would be r:\labs\mroberts\dev\pas\openedge, which is in the PROPATH already of the PAS environment running in the r:\labs\mroberts\dev\pas directory.

For another, the username would change.

Dev is the dev environment, at the moment, we only use labs in the dev work space (where there is lots of work occurring), but there *may* be a lab area required for prod or uat to test thins in those work spaces outside of check out tasks.

A single directory wherever it resides would solve our issue as you described.

Developers RDP onto a windows server to do the development.  All PAS instances and PDSOE sessions are all on the same machine.



Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 28-Feb-2019 21:33


Okay. I think further evaluating our idea for optionally using the Eclipse project directory (without the Task_XX sub-directory) as the Task directory (which is also the Lab directory) would be the right move for PDSOE.

In the meanwhile, I was bouncing around an idea here today using an event-hook to give you an immediate work-around. Give us a few days and I'll post something here (or contact you directly).

Thanks for reaching out.

Posted by Blake Stanford on 01-Mar-2019 13:22

+1  optionally using the Eclipse project directory (without the Task_XX sub-directory)

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 05-Mar-2019 21:06

I've not forgotten about this. Instead of work-around, we may back-port the enhancement for a patch (may be easier than a work-around actually). I'll post to this thread when I know more. Thanks.

Posted by on 05-Mar-2019 23:39

Thanks Jeff,

To hold us over and let play with labs, I've set one task dir into the PROPATH of the PASOE instance, and am not closing the task.

Its getting me exposed to labs and how they work, and will keep with this until we can apply a fix to all tasks.


Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 28-Mar-2019 12:34


For those following along, this feature has been added to Roundtable 12 (becoming available in April). A new preference will allow you to use the project folder as the Task root instead of creating a 'Task_XX' directory.

Posted by on 31-Mar-2019 21:10

Thanks Jeff,  we'll give it a go when you have released the next version.

Could you post on here when that next version is released, as we don't always get notification from Progress about these releases.



Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 26-Apr-2019 11:50

Roundtable TSMS 12.0 is now available.

This thread is closed