Hi all.
We recently discovered an issue that I wanted to bring to your attention along with the work-around.
Number: 282
Roundtable TSMS Fails to Load 64-Bit DLL
When running OE 64-bit client-server and the start-in directory is the Roundtable installation root, the rtbwin64.dll does not properly load when invoked. Instead, a Progress error 12272 is generated when the repository is accessed:
"A variable or array element passed as an INPUT or INPUT-OUTPUT parameter to a DLL cannot contain the Unknown value. (12272)"
However, turning on client-logging and digging in further, one will find that the DLL invocation is generating Progress error 3258:
"Could not load DLL procedure . (3258)"
A work-around is to ensure that the Roundtable short-cut start-in directory is a directory other then the Roundtable installation directory with the appsrvtt.d file moved to that directory.
The root cause is known OpenEdge defect scheduled to be fixed in 11.7: