I'm creating a new eclipse install for OpenEdge 11.6.2.
Our rtb server is Roundtable TSMS release 11.5.2
The update site shows the new plugin version
Can I use the new version of the plugin or should I look for the older version.
The Roundtable 11.6 plug-in cannot be used with a Roundtable 11.5.x server. You will get an incompatibility message when trying to connect. Select 'Show Older Versions' to get the 11.5.x plug-in(s).
Roundtable 11.6 is cool though. You should plan an upgrade. :)
We just tried on a clean install of Eclipse 4.3.1 with OE 11.6 without issue.
What version of Eclipse are you using?
Correction, not everything is working fine, the problems view doesn't work.
Will see how we can get mylyn in 4.3
"After executing updates it became 4.6 (Neon)."
"..the problems view doesn't work."
Neither of those would be related to Roundtable. I'm not sure that OE 11.6 support Eclipse 4.6.
I generally deselect the 'contact all update sites' to avoid getting a bunch of updates.