Roundtable Index Compactor

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 25-Aug-2016 15:48

Hi all.

I posted a batch file that will compact all Roundtable TSMS (as of 11.6) indexes here:

It should be easy enough to port this to *Nix as needed. :)

All Replies

Posted by cverbiest on 26-Aug-2016 06:14

Hi Jeff,

Is it recommended to execute this periodically ?

or is it there to be used in case some indexes have deteriorated .

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 26-Aug-2016 07:47


Since the RTB repository is an OE database, standard(?) tuning rules apply.

Whether or not one should compact indexes depends upon the results from an IDXANALYS.  Although, I don't suppose it would hurt to simply run it periodically. Since I had this script and it was updated for 11.6, I just wanted to share to hopefully save someone a few minutes of time. :)

Posted by cverbiest on 26-Aug-2016 08:16

Ok thanks, here are the steps to convert to linux/unix

cp rtbcompact.bat 
sed -i -e 's/set DLC=.*/export DLC=${DLC:-\/usr\/dlc}/' -e 's/call %DLC%\\bin\\/$DLC\/bin\//' -e  's/\r//'

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 26-Aug-2016 08:19

Thanks Carl. I think you just wanted to show off your sed skills. ;-)

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