I have downloaded this tool for 10.2b but not sure on how to start with.
Do I need to download ANT, Eclipse and PCT for this and How do I set run-time settings for Ant in Eclipse as I am not getting this option under window --- pref in OE 10.2B
These links should help answer your questions:
nodeable-confluence.nodeable.io/.../appSolute RTB Automation Toolkit Installation Guide
I have already gone through this but its quite hard to understand me.
Do i need to install ANT or we can use OE ANT that is already available in progress path.
Also where is run-time settings for Ant in Eclipse in OE studio ?
Not able to start with this tool..pls help
If the Ant that is shipped with OE is the same as the compatible version specified in the toolkit, then I'm sure that you can use it. The automation toolkit was designed to allow you to execute Ant tasks via command scripts, Jenkins, etc. There is a page in the wiki on the Eclipse set-up:
nodeable-confluence.nodeable.io/.../How to setup of your Eclipse environment for RTB Automation
in the installation guide there is one step Updating Ant with extra tasks --- "run ant -f fetch.xml -Ddest=system"
is that required now in case if i use 10.2b OE ant directory for ANT_HOME ?
Also I do not have this option ---- Ant settings from : Window --> Preferences --> Ant in my Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge
Do I need to install something for this ?
You may need to install an Ant plug-in. I thought it was included by default with the OE Eclipse release but maybe not.
We have not tested with any built in Ant installations. We always use an external Ant installation that has the mentioned extra libraries installed - as well as a version of PCT.
There are some limitations on the PCT version you can use with OE 10.2B, because of the version of Java that it uses. This only seems to be the case when using Ant and PCT from the OEA. Running from Jenkins, with a newer version of Java and PCT is not a problem.
The documents that Jeff has referred to should cover the installation and setup in enough detail to get started. We have gone through a lot of effort to validate this and make sure it has the information that is needed to get up and running. If you find anything that is incorrect or is missing, let us know and we can take a look at it.
So Ant settings from : Window --> Preferences --> Ant in Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge can be excluded ?
well, I always set this so that I can test from Eclipse and so that the Ant editor can successfully syntax check the Ant scripts if I make changes to them.
If you are not planning on using the toolkit directly from Eclipse, then I suppose you can skip this step.
It is nice and easy to test the scripts, config files etc by running directly from Eclipse. So we usually do this as part of the initial setup.
Yes, I am not planning on using the toolkit directly from Eclipse.
But for my initial setup I have to download PCT & ANT ?
The download actually contains a file called apache-ant-1.9.4.zip - which contains a version of Ant 1.9.4 with the external libraries included.
Check in the "lib" directory. There you will find the extra libraries, including a copy of PCT version 187.
You can either use this, or if you want to use a newer version of Ant, download and update this as per the instructions in the docs.
I would recommend that once you have unpacked it, that you then set ANT_HOME for your environment to point to ths Ant installation.
Yes, I unzipped that folder and found Ant 1.9.4 and PCT version 187.
Is that all we need to run the scripts ?
That depends on how you are planning on running the scripts and using the APIs included in the toolkit.
You will find some sample script files for executing the scripts, as well as some sample Jenkins job definitions. These will very likely not work out of the box, but will need some tweaking to fit your environment.
The same goes for the sample config files that are located in the "config" folder off the root of the toolkit. These will also have sample data that needs to be adjusted to fit your environment.
I would recommend that you turn on verbose and debug logging during your initial setup and testing the scripts- This may make it easier to track potential issue.
yes m modifying the config file as per my environment and m planning to run it from command line.
Will that work ?
Yes, that should work.
One of the important things to make sure you have set correctly in your config json file, is the RTB repository database connection and optional AppServer connection.
You can either run this client/server or offload the processing to an AppServer. This depends on which automated processes you are using and if things like compiles and generated r-code is compatible on the platforms you need to use the r-code on. There are some use cases where the toolkit is being started on a Windows client, but the processing is done on a unix/linux server to create server compatible r-code. This may also depend on the OE version whether this is necessary or not.
can we use this tool to create RTB task automation ?
I have modified json file process_windows available in the folder.
Now m planning to execute Creating releases.
Can anyone guide me how can execute this ?
Any further setup required ?
We don't have a set of jobs for creating tasks - but there are APIs for it. And the should also be something in the examples directory that can be used to create tasks.
Assuming you are on Windows, you should configure a version of the scripts/workspace-release.cmd file to fit with your settings. Assuming you have everything set up correctly, and you are using "prompt" for the workspace to process, you will be prompted for a workspace (actually a comma separated list of workspaces if you want to handle more than one workspace at a time).
Complete logs are written to the <root dir>/buildlogs directory - and other logs and reports are written to the </root dir>/logs/ directory with a separate sub-directory for each process and workspace.
yes I am using window as of now for testing.
Do we need to change build_rtb_release.xml ?
Also dont understand on the props file mentioned in the script
Have to replace this with the process_windows.json ?
you should not need to change the build*.xml files - unless you are adding new features or fixing bugs you find ;-)
-D sets a property for Ant.
You simply change this to
-DBuildJsonProps=<location of your own config .json file>
The one you are seeing here was written so that you could pass in a parameter when you run the script to set the config file name. Ignore that for now and work with the sample json file and use "prompt" where it makes sense. This gives you more flexibility when testing.
OK thanks
Will check and update u on the further progress.
I have added all the env variables such as ANT_HOME, JAVA_HOME and PATH.
and changed config as below
and changed workspace-release.cmd file as below
and simply running script from command line
I am getting below errors on screen.
I do not understand these errors. It will be good if anyone can explain me
any help on this issue ?
Hi Guys
any help on this ?
Which version of Java are you using?
I think this may be related to some of the later PCT versions needing a Java version of 1.6+. OpenEdge 10.2B only comes with 1.5 - which does not work with newer versions of PCT.
We are using 10.2B.
Do i need to install JDK 1.6 plus ?
AFAIK, if you are using a PCT version that is higher than 184 (and I think the one we have in the toolkit is 187), then you need to use a JDK with a version number of 1.6 or higher.
So i would try and install this and set JAVA_HOME to this, so that when you run scripts outside of of Eclipse, which you are doing here, then you use this Java version.
Actually - it is running as it should...
and it also telling you that this workspace had no events, so no need to create a release. And it looks like you have emailing turned on but have not set up credentials or who to send mails to.
Yes i have removed email section values. IS that the reason for not creating release again ?
I am not getting ur explanation on "workspace had no events, so no need to create a release"
Now I am planning to run the deployment script by changing values in json script.
Will it create only deployment data in round table like release data or will it actually deploy the code ?
I think you may actually have run into a bug that we have only seen on Linux.
Try changing the following line in appSolutions/appSolute/Utils/FileHelper.cls:
This should solve the problem.
FYI - We will be making a new release - 11.5.02 - of the toolkit with a few fixes and a number of new features in the next couple of weeks.
OK will check.
Will this script create deployment data only in rtb or will it actually deploy the code ?
With the default settings, the deployment script will check for a site that is marked with
in the site notes.
The following then happens:
Neat? I think so! And you get all this for free. All you need is valid RTB licenses to use the scripts with ;-)
Looks like you have now turned on connecting to the AppServer, and something is going wrong there...
If you are changing the setup to use AppServer, do this with a simpler script like the release or compile one and make sure this works with AppServer first. You should also make sure that your AppServer has the necessary PROPATH to be able to pick up any toolkit and custom files it may need.
I would advise that you get things set up with client server as you were doing before first.
yes, appserver is connecting properly....i have created release from the script only and after that i am running the deployment script
Unless the E-drive is a fixed drive on your server, then this won't work. Mapped drives do not work on AppServer - you have to use UNC names.
You should also include the root directory of the toolkit so that the server can pick up things it may need from there.
I would expect that the error you are getting is related to something on the AppServer. Check the logs for the AppServer to see what is happening.
actually round table installed on appsrver and on dev machine aswell.
In the json file i have added RtbInstallPath of dev machine from where i am executing scripts.
"RtbInstallPath": "D:/Users/thomas/rtbdemo115",
Do I need to pass the appserver RtbInstallPath ?
Other appserver connection parameters I passed correctly but not sure on this.
I am in doubt on the RtbInstallPath.
When I set this to local directory its working for release script and when i set to appserver installation rtb dir it is failing.
How can we add root directory of toolkit as both are on diff machines ?
How can we debug this file adrtb_makedeployment.p by putting debug messages as below error is coming from this .p
not sure
Appserver connection is working fine for release script so it should work for this script as well.
The issue is something different. So i am trying to trace this file adrtb_makedeployment.p.
Maybe it is not getting a particular class file.
Pls guide me.
finally i got one issue in the log
any idea on this class file error ?
Also even after having fetchdata.p availale in the path m getting below error
I added message for query and where clause, that u can check in the screenshot
I am surprised you are getting this, as all the code for the models is included in the package. Is this still using the AppServer?
Can you let us know what your PROPATH looks like for the client and the AppServer? Something must be missing.
yes it is using appserver conection but taking local installation directory for the round table but issue is something different. it is showoing fetchdata.p is not found and that is calling from rtbwspace.cls pogram from base folder.
What do you mean by "but taking local installation directory for the round table"?
I would like to clearly understand how your PROPATHs are set up. Please share these for both the client and AppServer.
In the coming 11.5.02 release, we have replaced the classes you mention with new proxy methods using standard RTB proxies. But I am not aware of issues with the current package not compiling - so I am quite sure you are having issues with your propath or something else with the client or AppServer.
Also, can you confirm that all of the code in the toolkit compiles on the client? I would normally have an eclipse project set up for this and get the code compiled up as a first step before trying to use the code.
in the below json file i have added rtb installation path of dev server.
we have appserver on another machine where we have rtb installation aswell but i have installed appsolute tool on dev server, added rtb installation path of dev server, passed other appserver params and running the scripts from dev server only by setting these values.
It is working for release script but not for deployment.
Also compiled all the programs from OE...m just trying to execute from the command prompt by setting these params
I am able to execute the release script by these steps but not the deployment script
I would still like to see you propaths for the client and server.
Can you not share this info?
Both the client AND the server need to have both a RTB installation and automation toolkit installation correctly available in the PROPATH, otherwise things will not work. It is not enough to just set the RTB install path in the config file - that is used by the client starting the process - it is not used by the AppServer,
I have installed toolkit only on dev server not on appserver. On appserver we have installation directory for round table and that is configured in the appserver propath.
Do we need to install toolkit on appserver round table installation directory aswell ?
then how it is working for workspace release script without setting all these ?
also what do u mean by propath for the client and server ?
how can we install this tool on both the machine so that it will work properly from command prompt.
Any documentation on this ?
Place a copy on each server or make it available on a network drive....
i am really new to this and i am in confusion.
I dont see any issue in placing it on dev machine only. It executing local rtb api's and connecting to appserver for rtb data.
What is the issue on placing this tool on dev env and executing from there only ?
If I place it on both the machine, what all the chnages in the json file for both like appserver connection and rtbinstallation path ?
Also How o i execute it then from the dev machine ?
i have modified parameter in json "RtbUseAppServer": false,
and it worked for me.
It processed deployment using my local toolkit code.
Still i will try to install it on appserver for more findings.
Looks like your r-code and AppServer are on different versions.
Is the E-drive that the code is referring to on the server ?
Make sure the AppServer propath is correct after the installation of the toolkit on the server.
Yes the appserver roundtable code is on E drive and we added that on propath aswell
restarted server again.
But before doing this we have compile utility on the server which is failing while compiling, generating log like invalid version of fetchdata.p
Which progress version should i use for this tool 10.2b or 11.6 for compilation ?
OK i will check this.
Every time whenever I am running these scripts from command line i have to set all the environment variables 1st such as ANT_HOME, JAVA_HOME etc.
How do i avoid this for running scripts each time ?
Do i need to create separate batch file for this ?