RTB TSMS 11.x Plugin in OpenEdge10.2B

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 22-Feb-2016 09:54


I am not able to update the Roundtable TSMS 11.x Plugin using link http://www.roundtable-tsms.com/eclipse/update11.

Failing without any error while expanding software update tree after adding this link to the OE10.2B >> "Help" >> "Software Updates" >> Available Software tab >> Add Site.

Sometimes getting below error.

All Replies

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 23-Feb-2016 07:01

If you access the web via a proxy server, then you need to enter the proxy information into OE Architect / Eclipse. This is done via Preferences > Install Update > "Enable http proxy connection".

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 23-Feb-2016 07:13

I am not getting such option in my OEA

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 23-Feb-2016 07:15

It's there somewhere. It has changed between different versions of Eclipse.

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 23-Feb-2016 07:18

Try General > Network Connections. You can find by typing 'proxy' in the filter text.

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 23-Feb-2016 07:34

yes..we added proxy but still not working

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 23-Feb-2016 07:49

The update site is up and available so maybe check with your network admin to ensure you have the parameters correct.

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 26-Feb-2016 04:58


I am able to access the internet on the server like google and all other sites but its failing when we try to update for RTB.

Getting that above error 'No Repository found'

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 26-Feb-2016 07:05

You need to specify the appropriate proxy information in your Eclipse installation.

Open the update link in your web browser and you will see that it is up and available.

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 26-Feb-2016 07:12

proxy information in your Eclipse installation. ?

I have added proxy information in the General > Network Connections but still not able to update.

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 26-Feb-2016 07:17

Perhaps you did not enter the information correctly? Usually a port specification is required but I did not see one in your screenshot. You network admin should be able to assist you with the proxy settings. Or, maybe PSC technical support can help.

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 26-Feb-2016 07:24

in my LAN settings for internet I have added the same proxy  without any port no and its working to access internet sites.

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 26-Feb-2016 12:19

I have downloaded all the jar files those are available on the URL www.roundtable-tsms.com/.../update11

in folders Features and Plugins.

How can we install those now for RTB OEA Plugins ?

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 26-Feb-2016 12:58

You can create a local Update Site with the contents and point to the installer to that. However, my advice is to determine why the Eclipse installer is not able to contact the update site. That will help down the road to get updates.

Posted by asthomas on 29-Feb-2016 02:50

I would strongly second Jeff's suggestion of making sure your eclipse environment is able to access the internet. That is usually the cause of issue like this.

If you open a view in Eclipse with a web browser, are you able to browse the internet from within Eclipse?

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 29-Feb-2016 06:54


This proxy issue has been resolved and downloaded the plugins for 10.2B from the location http://www.roundtable-tsms.com/eclipse/update11

Now i am facing one another issue like

I have added RTB Repository and repositiory location with the app server details in OEA.

while opening that repository I am getting below error

Posted by atuldalvi123 on 29-Feb-2016 11:56


Any update on the above error that I am facing while opening repository ?

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 29-Feb-2016 12:15

The Roundtable Community wasn't meant to replace technical support. If you have issues, please log it with Roundtable technical support.

This message indicates that you need to update your Roundtable server to 11.5.2 or downgrade the plug-in to 11.5.0. Upgrading your server to the latest patch is the recommended approach.

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