Is it possible to create RTB Workspace releases from progress ?
There is no entry in the Roundtable API for this but it can be done by calling rtbCreateRelease.p. The parameters are:
pcWorkspace - Workspace ID
pcDesc - Release description
pcError - Any error message
Also, take a look at the AppSolution Automation Toolkit. The class-based API in that package has a method to create a Release.
Will it return created workspace release ID and its details ?
How can we identify the created details ?
No, it does not return the newly created release.
The previously mention AppSolute Automation Toolkit contains a class file with examples of how to fetch a particular Release or all Workspace Releases. See RTBProxyHelper.cls in that package, which can be found here:
I gone through the RTBProxyHelper.cls what i understood is if i call rtbCreateRelease.p, it will create release details in the supplied workspace but it will not return any release details. Suppose user wants to see what release details he created by using this API call without going to the round table then ? atleast it should return this details or is there any other api that will run immediately after 1st api call and return the latest release details.
Also I am not able to run the rtbcreaterelease.p file availabe in the rtb/proxy/p folder even after setting the propath from progress editor. I am getting error rtbsetsessionproperty.p not found.
Please note that there is also a call to rtbGetWorkspaceReleases.p which will return a table of all Workspace Releases. Or, you can just use the RTBProxyHelper.cls as is and call the wrapper methods it includes.
Do u have any idea on the required parameters for rtbGetWorkspaceReleases.p ?
Did you look at the RTBProxyHelper.cls file? There is an example of calling it, or you can just use the class itself.
You still have to follow the rules documented in the rtb_api.p procedure which requires logging in and setting context. Logging in will start the necessary libraries.
Please see the other API examples I provided.
i am following all those steps as suggested by you in earlier post.
That is not all the steps required. You must log in. Please review the example I provided and also the instructions in rtb_api.p.
ok will check
There's quite a bit more to it with making deployments than creating releases. Creating a release is a simple marker in a workspace that can be used for imports and deployments of changes from a workspace up to a certain point in time. Think of it as a marker on a timeline.
For deployments, you need to create a release as well as a site (deployment recipient) for deployments before you can create a deployment.
If you have not done so already, I would strongly recommend going through the RTB documentation on deployments - as it is important to understand the various requirements to work with this.
We have actually added support for automating deployments in the Automation Toolkit, which Jeff has referred to a few times. The same pre-requisites apply here as well for being able to use this. There are some additional things needed with setting up config files and marking deployment sites for automated deployments before you can automate this.
I would say that using the deployments feature is an advanced feature - and would also suggest that the other automation features supported by the toolkit have been set up and tested before using this.
The toolkit is currently available as open source, and you can have a look at this to see how this works.
Yes we have a release as well as a site (deployment recipient) available for deployments and I am planning to use below API for this but dont have ida on this API.
RUN rtb/proxy/p/rtbMakeDeployment.p ON AppServerHandle(
INPUT pcWorkspace,
INPUT pcSiteCode,
INPUT piSequence,
OUTPUT cError).
Please suggest.
Have you made one or more deployments using the standard RTB UI so that you are comfortable with that RTB creates and what the various steps required?
AFAIK the API you are wanting to use requires that you have a delpoyment record created already - as this builds the actual deployment itself. So it is the same thing that happens when you press the "Make" button in the UI.
Yes i have done deployment using standard RTB UI but here in the API i am not sure on the piSequence parameter.
Is this same as Deploy# ?
Any update on my post. We are planning to run these API's using Jenkins and so I am looking for API which will create deployment data as mentioned in the screenshot and make deployment. We are not planing to use any other automated tool.
I may be impartial on this ;-) But I would recommend that you have a look at the Automation Toolkit and what we have built into this.
This is the result of several years of development and testing, and also includes a number of features that are not available in the standard RTB APIs. It is often used with Jenkins or just with command line scripts.
We have wrappered a lot of the feaures into OOABL classes to make them easier to use.
The toolkit even includes processes for creating deployments without having to first create a deployment record - but have this created automatically if needed. The pre-requisites for this are that you have created a site (as this cannot be automated) and that you have a site in the workspace you are deploying from that is marked as the default deployment site .
There is lots more we can do with this - but the toolkit gives you a very good head start to RTB automation.
We are even starting to look at how we can add using node.js into the mix here for a new version of the toolkit.
Note that the toolkit is not an officially supported product. So support is either community support like this - or based on services if you need more specific and in-depth assistance. Contact me offline if you need more details on this.
For use of the standard APIs, you can continue to use the forums like this. Or - assuming you are on maintenance with RTB, contact Technical Support in your region. You cannot get programming assistance with tech support - but you can guidance on how to use the APIs.
Why are you not using the automation toolkit if you plan to use Jenkins ?
We have multiple Jenkins ARAT jobs and after figuring out some initial configuration questions these run perfectly fine
I think the RTB community will benefit if more people use this tool rather than writing separate integrations
Carl, thank you for your endorsement of this toolkit. We too highly recommend it.
Which Automation Toolkit r u referring ?
Is that AppSolute Automation Toolkit ?
Yes, it's available, free of charge, on the Roundtable download page
It contains documentation on how to start using it.
And suppose if i dont want to go with this automation tool, is there any other existing rtb api that I can call and create deployment data and make it ?
I suppose that I'd like to know why you don't want to go with that tool.
I focusing on using and improving ARAT, I'm not going to invest time in figuring out how to do something that's already solved there. I prefer to put my efforts into adding stuff that not yet available.
If you really don't want to use ARAT you can still have a look at the source of the toolkit to see how it's done.
BTW I'm a RTB user, no links to Roundtable company, no interests in ARAT other than using and where possible improving it.
There is no public API to make deployments (perhaps you can log that with our technical support team as an enhancement request).
The author of the toolkit has gone to the trouble of figuring out how to call the non-public proxy routines and has generously made the toolkit available for public use as open-source. That is your best option.