I want to create a RTB task without going through RTB tool manually, I want to create it using Progress editor or appbuilder.
Is that possible ?
You can use the api
sample from our code, I stipped most irrelevant parts
if not valid-handle(WZ-RTBAPI-HND) then do: IF NOT VALID-HANDLE(WZ-RTBAPI-HND) THEN run rtb/p/rtb_api.p PERSISTENT SET WZ-RTBAPI-HND. end. &scoped-define testfile _rtb.p def var wz-rtb-path as char no-undo form "x(60)". file-info:file-name = "{&testfile}". wz-rtb-path = substring(file-info:full-pathname, 1, length(file-info:full-pathname) - length("{&testfile}") - 1). if wz-rtb-path = ? then do: message "CCE Roundtable intergration not found (wz-rtb-path)". return. end. IF VALID-HANDLE(WZ-RTBAPI-HND) then do transaction: L-ORGPATH = propath. run login IN WZ-RTBAPI-HND ("username","password",OUTPUT sessionID,OUTPUT WZ-RTB-Error). run set_paths IN WZ-RTBAPI-HND (WZ-RTB-PATH,PROPATH,OUTPUT WZ-RTB-Error). run set_session_id IN WZ-RTBAPI-HND (INPUT sessionID). run set_workspace_id IN WZ-RTBAPI-HND (WZ-wspace-id). run add_task in WZ-RTBAPI-HND (WZ-WSPACE-ID /* Pwspace - workspace to create task in (blank means current wspace) */ , WZ-WK-CODE /* Puser - user id of task */ , WZ-MN-CODE /* Pmanager - manager of task*/ , subst('&1', "description" ) /* Psummary - task summary */ , subst("Modification request&1", WZ-MODIF-REQUEST-ID) /* Puser-ref - user reference*/ , "" /* Pdesc - task description */ , "Central" /* Pshare - share status (Central, Task, Group, Public)*/ , "" /* Ptask-dir - task directory */ , output WZ-RECID /* Precid - recid of task record */ , output WZ-RTB-ERROR /* Perror - error message returned */ ). run logout IN WZ-RTBAPI-HND (sessionID,OUTPUT l-RTB-ERROR2). delete procedure WZ-RTBAPI-HND. propath = L-ORGPATH. if WZ-RTB-ERROR = "" then /* success */ . else /* failure */ .
Responding to the other thread here..
The appsrvtt.d file is used by the Roundtable application to load AppServer partition information. Roundtable uses ADM2 which requires this file. It is maintained via the ProTools AppServer Partition tool.
{&IS-REMOTE} is a preprocessor defined in the the parent .p file.