Initial configuration of ARAT is difficult because the jobs are silent about missing properties, they just don't execute.
Even with ant debug you cant see which property is missing
checkRTBProps: Class loaded from parent loader (parentFirst) Class loaded from parent loader (parentFirst) Class loaded from parent loader (parentFirst) Condition false; not setting RtbPropsComplete Condition false; not setting RtbDbNetworked Class loaded from parent loader (parentFirst) Class loaded from parent loader (parentFirst) Class loaded from parent loader (parentFirst) Condition true; setting RtbDbNotNetworked to true Setting project property: RtbDbNotNetworked -> true Class loaded from parent loader (parentFirst) Setting project property: input.RtbWspaceId -> Development checkCompileProps: Skipped because property 'RtbPropsComplete' not set. BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 1 second
In automation/ant/rtb_common_targets.xml I added following code after setting RtbPropsComplete.
If RtbProps is not complete it echos all properties. In my case none of the properties are set, probably because my property file is silently not found. I'll post further further updates as I get along
<if> <not> <isset property="RtbPropsComplete" /> </not> <then> <echo level="error">RtbProps is NOT Complete RtbDbName=${RtbDbName} RtbLgDbName=${RtbLgDbName} RtbDbHostName=${RtbDbHostName} RtbDbPort=${RtbDbPort} RtbInstallPath=${RtbInstallPath} RtbCustomPath=${RtbCustomPath} RtbWspaceId=${RtbWspaceId} RtbUser=${RtbUser} RtbPassword=${RtbPassword} RtbDbSingleUser=${RtbDbSingleUser} RtbAppServerConnection=${RtbAppServerConnection} RtbUseAppServer=${RtbUseAppServer} RtbParamFile=${RtbParamFile} RtbReportBaseDir=${RtbReportBaseDir} </echo> </then> </if>
Hey Carl,
Good idea. We will create an issue for this and look at including this.
Issue solved. I somehow managed to mess up the order of ant targets by accidentally specifying more than one target on ant command line. The start target ended up too late in the list.