Automation toolkit : How to import everything

Posted by cverbiest on 17-Dec-2015 06:49


I'd like to use ARAT to build an ImportTable

I use

 ant -f /usr2/rtb/current/automation/ant/build_rtb_import.xml -DRtbImportWspaceId=rel1600 -DRtbImportSourceWorkspaces=Test -DBuildJsonProps=/usr2/rtb/current/automation/cce.json -DRtbPassword=$RTBPASSWORD

only 40 objects make it to the import table I expect more than 10000.

Which parameters should I use to import everything ?

I don't know if it matters but rel1600 is a newly created workspace. workspace sources are defined but no import has ever been build.

ant output

     [echo] Building import table...
   [PCTRun] Input command line truncated at 1024 bytes.
   [PCTRun] Trying to connect to : -db rtb -S 99999 -ld rtb -H xxxxx
   [PCTRun] PROPATH : /usr2/rtb/rtbbuild,/usr2/rtb/rtb115,/usr2/rtb/rtb115/rtb/proxy/p,/usr2/rtb/current/automation,/usr2/rtb/current/automation/scm/custom,/tmp/,.,obnl,./char,./char/sources,./char/tools,./char/is,./src,./tty/,/usr/dlc/tty,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc,/usr/dlc/bin
   [PCTRun] RUN appSolutions/appSolute/RTB/Automation/adrtb_buildimport.p (OUTPUT outParam0,OUTPUT outParam1)
   [PCTRun] Session parameters: {"ttProperties": [{                     "BuildDebug": "true",                     "RtbInstallPath": "/usr2/rtb/rtb115",                     "RtbUser": "sysop",                     "RtbPassword": "********",                     "RtbImportWspaceId": "rel1600",                     "RtbImportSourceWorkspaces": "Test",                  "RtbImportMaxWorkspaces": "8",                     "RtbImportPmods": "*",                     "RtbImportTaskList": "",                     "RtbImportReleaseNum": "",                     "RtbImportHigherVerOnly": "true",                     "RtbImportCurrReleaseOnly": "true",                     "RtbImportIncludeAll": "true",                     "RtbImportCompleteTasksOnly": "true",                     "RtbImportDeleteExistingImportTable": "true",                     "RtbImportReportAfterBuild": "true",                     "RtbAppServerConnection": "AppServer://localhost:5163/asrtb_115",                     "RtbReportBaseDir": "/usr2/rtb/rtbbuild/logs",                     "RtbUseAppServer": "false"}]}
   [PCTRun] Starting Roundtable API for user : sysop...
   [PCTRun] PROPATH: /usr2/rtb/rtb115,/usr2/rtb/rtb115/rtb/proxy/p,/usr2/rtb/rtbbuild,/usr2/rtb/current/automation,/usr2/rtb/current/automation/scm/custom,/tmp/,.,obnl,./char,./char/sources,./char/tools,./char/is,./src,./tty/,/usr/dlc/tty,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc/tty/,/usr/dlc,/usr/dlc/bin
   [PCTRun] Logging into Roundtable API...
   [PCTRun]    ** [Debug] : Creating client-side temp-dir
   [PCTRun] Session ID : 9102
   [PCTRun] Setting paths in RTB API...
   [PCTRun] Mode: Client only (9102)...
   [PCTRun]   Number of workspaces specified: 1,  Maximum allowed workspaces: 8
   [PCTRun]   Processing workspace: rel1600...
   [PCTRun]   /*****************************************/
   [PCTRun]    Setting workspace in RTB session to 'rel1600'...
   [PCTRun]    Building workspace import list for workspace : rel1600
   [PCTRun]    Import settings
   [PCTRun]    =================
   [PCTRun]    Workspace           : rel1600
   [PCTRun]    Source workspaces   : Test
   [PCTRun]    Product modules     :
   [PCTRun]    Tasks               :
   [PCTRun]    Releases            : 0
   [PCTRun]    Higher versions only: yes
   [PCTRun]    Current release only: yes
   [PCTRun]    Complete tasks only : yes
   [PCTRun]    ** [Debug] No import table exists
   [PCTRun]    Building workspace import table ...
   [PCTRun]    Building workspace import table completed
   [PCTRun]    ** [Debug] Debug listing of objects in import table:
   [PCTRun] Object : ImageCollection.cls (INC)
... trimmed
   [PCTRun] Object : (INC)
   [PCTRun]    ** [Debug] Import table exists (40)
   [PCTRun]    Import control table created. Number of records in import table:     40
   [PCTRun]    Setting 'include all' on import table...
   [PCTRun]    ** [Debug] Debug listing of objects in import table:
   [PCTRun] Object : ImageCollection.cls (INC)
... trimmed
   [PCTRun] Object : (INC)
   [PCTRun]    ** [Debug] Import table exists (40)
   [PCTRun] Creating import analysis report...
   [PCTRun]    Import analysis report created and written to file : /usr2/rtb/rtbbuild/logs/Imports/rel1600/rel1600_ImportReport_20151217_132552.txt...
   [PCTRun] Logging out of RTB API...
   [PCTRun] Return value : 0
   [PCTRun] OUTPUT PARAMETER : /usr2/rtb/rtbbuild/logs/Imports/rel1600/rel1600_ImportReport_20151217_132552.txt

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 17-Dec-2015 06:54


Make sure that "CurrReleaseOnly" is false.

All Replies

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 17-Dec-2015 06:54


Make sure that "CurrReleaseOnly" is false.

Posted by cverbiest on 17-Dec-2015 07:14

Hi Jeff,


I also needed to change RtbImportPmods from "*" to "" .

What is the impact of CurrReleaseOnly ?

Does this mean only changes in the last release of the source workspace ?

Posted by Jeff Ledbetter on 17-Dec-2015 07:36

Yes. Current Release Only will only import the changes between the latest (or selected) release and the previous release. This option is also available on the UI.

From the User Guide:

By default, the "Current Release(s) only" toggle box is not checked. This means that all differences between the current Workspace configuration and the source Workspace(s) will be considered for import. When this toggle box is checked, only those objects in the latest (or filter-selected) Release(s) will be considered for import.

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