Can be a personal preference, I changed the release notes mailing to show the release notes and attach the log.
The release notes are more interesting for most product managers. Could be a problem for large releases but I intend to run this at least weekly
change in automation/ant/build_rtb_release.xml.
<!-- make sure that if the property has not been set for some reason, that we set it to blank - so that the mail below does not fail --> <property name="RtbReleaseReport" value="" /> <if> <istrue value="${RtbReleaseMailResult}" /> <then> <!-- <loadfile property="BuildLogContent" srcFile="${BuildLogDir}/${BuildLogFilename}" failonerror="false" /> --> <loadfile property="RtbReleaseReport.txt" srcFile="${RtbReleaseReport}" /> <sendMail mail.user="${MailUser}" mail.password="${MailUserPassword}""${MailHostServer}""${MailHostPort}" mail.subject="${input.RtbReleaseWspaceId} - Release results" mail.from.address="${MailFromAddress}""${MailToAddress}" mail.enable.start.tls="${MailHostEnableStartTLS}" mail.ssl="${MailUseSSL}" mail.message="A release build was run in workspace ${input.RtbReleaseWspaceId}: ${start.DSTAMP} ${start.TSTAMP}:${LF}${RtbReleaseReport.txt}" mail.files="${BuildLogDir}/${BuildLogFilename}" /> </then> </if>
Yeah - that would be a personal preference. We show some of the reports like this.
Maybe we should make this a property you set so that you don't need to change the script code to turn this on or off.
A property could be useful, but I probably will want to influence the subject and body as well.
Another property I find useful for is to have debugPCT="${debugPCT}" on each PCTRun target, this makes debugging easier
Hi Thomas,
I think there are two types of mail for release/import/... targets.
One is a mail with the build result, this shows the logging of the job ,
the other is a mail with the result of the job i.e. a release report, an import table report, ...
The intended audience for both mails is different.
The first mails is for the person who automates/monitors the process. If you use jenkins to run the jobs you can consult the build logging and will probably not need that in a mail.
The second is for the developers/product managers using the system, they will want to know which tasks/objects got released/imported/...
I think it's better to have 2 types of mail which can be turned on/off individually.
Agreed - we will take a closer look and see what we can come up with.