FW: Progress Alert and Notification Service: DataDirect

Posted by Community Admin on 07-Sep-2016 23:30


From: noreply@progress.com
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2016 12:28:02 AM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
To: Community
Subject: Progress Alert and Notification Service: DataDirect

Dear DataDirect PANS,

Below are your new DataDirect notifications.

Article - ALL

Publish Date


Solution Title

07-Sep-2016 16:36 EDT


Will the Connect for ODBC Redshift driver always be a single driver installer?

07-Sep-2016 12:35 EDT


java.io.FileNotFoundException for missing java template file when generating code for pipeline in Stylus Studio

07-Sep-2016 06:25 EDT


Error occurs when executing an SSIS package with the ADO.NET DB2 provider.

07-Sep-2016 04:44 EDT


Hive JDBC driver not able to join partitioned table with a non-partitioned table

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