FW: Progress Alert and Notification Service: OpenEdge

Posted by Jean Richert on 21-Mar-2016 23:18


From: noreply@progress.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 5:17:27 AM (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
To: Jean Richert
Subject: Progress Alert and Notification Service: OpenEdge

Dear Jean Richert,

Below are your new OpenEdge notifications.

Article - ALL

Publish Date


Solution Title

21-Mar-2016 13:16 EDT


Oracle Error 2289 when creating a record in a new oracle table

21-Mar-2016 15:13 EDT


Failed to parse the WSD file when importing a V10 .WSD file into a V11 WSA

21-Mar-2016 13:39 EDT


Can a DATASET-HANDLE or TABLE-HANDLE parameter be accessed statically?

21-Mar-2016 10:42 EDT


OpenEdge Graphical Client has stopped working

21-Mar-2016 10:22 EDT


Slow responce from launch of WebClient application when two processes are reading a custom INI file simultaneously.

21-Mar-2016 05:05 EDT


VST _Trans._Trans-Duration displays incorrect value

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