PUG Challenge Is:
Technical: 77 breakout sessions over 3 days!
Independent: Designed by Progress Users for Progress users!
Focused: 5 (Thursday)/ 6(Friday) time slots you can attend a breakout!
Varied: Covers the full range of Progress technologies plus many complementary products!
Practical: See the great things your peers have already done with the products you’ve got now!
Visionary: What great ideas will the Next Big Thing spark!Inexpensive: The most bang for your OE training buck on the planet!
Relaxing: Lots of fun stuff to do after a full day of training and learning!
Networking: Meet your peers in the Progress world and rub shoulders with the gurus!Want to go but need to convince your boss? Send us his or her email address and we’ll point out the advantages!
Impressive list of sessions and workshops. Well done
And for those people coming. looking forward to meeting you in the Netherlands.