Visiting the EMEA was nice and interesting to see the people, also the food and drinks were very good. But some remarks: -Doing two sessions in one hour is too much. It is better to do one session of an hour. -Another thing that crossed my mind was the session of Roland. Someone in the audience made a remark about the complexity in the procedure to link Progress data. The answer of Roland was in my opinion arrogant. It is nog right that Progress employee, who has more skills than someone that has not or does not understand things fully, to give him an answer about hiring skilled personal (special from Progress). Progress should really help his developers with tools, docs. The progress community should be the place to get hold of this info. In this case if Roland has a nice tool he uses to link the Progress data to Rollbase. He should make this available. The community should be the place to share this. Please Progress do not fall back in this ‘old’ attitude’ and be aside us. There are developers who are not working with big customers, do small projects. Shouldn’t they (maybe I am one of them) be able to do things the ‘smart’ way. That’s why I’m also shouting. PLEASE INCLUDE OEMOBILE IN PSDN! John Kattestaart I’m posting this to the PUG NL group because it concerns people present at that meeting in the first place.