Counting down...

Posted by ChUIMonster on 27-May-2014 07:54

There are only 12 days until PUG Challenge Americas 2014!  And only 4 days remaining for standard registration -- after the 31st "walk-in" rates apply.

If you are one of those last minute types of people this is getting awfully close to the last minute!

Just in case you have somehow missed the highlights:

  • Technical: 50+ breakout sessions over 3 days!
  • Independent: Put on by Progress users for Progress users!
  • Focused: 16 time slots that you can attend a breakout!
  • Varied: Topics covering the 4GL, database, integration, complementary technologies and more!
  • Practical: Topics cover the technology that you actually have as well as The Next Big Thing!
  • Inexpensive: Early bird registration is just $475 and the hotel room rate is just $99/night!
  • Relaxing: No loud bands or circus acts -- just a couple hundred of your peers and Progress engineers being geeks together!

Detailed schedule:

All Replies

Posted by ChUIMonster on 29-May-2014 08:55

Two more days of standard registration... 10 days until the conference!

This thread is closed