4GL XML defining a node with namespaces

Posted by mauromarchi on 02-Feb-2020 14:31

Hi to all

I did a 4GL that created a XML document with DOM methods

I need to create an XML document with declatives of namespaces in main node

<lista_app_catalogo xmlns:xsd="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-istance">

I did that but i was not sure it is correct or best solution

I did want to have problems of validation with XML file

I have to upload this XML file in a thirdy part web site.

I attach my code :





it works but i am not sure to did right and best solution.


i read also about CREATE-NODE-NAMESPACE and or SET-ATTRIBUTE-NODE but i was not able to use them 

Any suggestions are welcome.

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