Dear All
I am using CHUI on Release 11.3.3 on AIX unix
I am dumping loads (about 40) tables and have written a generic include to create a temp-table LIKE the DBtable which allows me to manipulate the temp-table and then dump it to an ascii file.
The problem is that now suddenly I need to dump dates as "CCYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000" and also to add fields from one table to the temp-table of another table.
I would like to carry o using the include, but add fields to the temp-tables after the generic DEF TEMP-TABLE below.
So this is in the include, what brilliant options do I have?
lg_TempFileName1 = lg_GenFileName + "{&TableN1}.xls".
PROCEDURE ip_DumpFile1:
RUN cottprt1.p (INPUT TABLE tt1, "",lg_TempFileName0,"|").
END. /* PROCEDURE ip_DumpFile1: */
lg_Unix = "tr -d '~"' " + lg_TempFileName1.
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You can't manipulate a temp table (static or dynamic) after it's instantiated. I suppose what you could do is to generate a dynamic temp table from the static one, and then add the extra detail you want, but it's going to be clunky.
You could certainly do something along these lines, but scoped defines are to be avoided really. They aren't considered good practise anymore. In particular they lead to code that is very difficult to maintain.