Error with unix ODBC driver (DataDirect 6.1 SQL Server Wire

Posted by tejasjthorat on 12-May-2015 20:56

This query is perfectly running fine in sql server MS SQL server management studio client as well with windows ODBC drivers

 but it’s not working for me through ODBC connection in unix.

Query :

select COALESCE(cast (DATA as nvarchar(MAX)),'') from ABC


DMExpress : (COLDSNAV) information about the columns could not be retrieved for "DBSource1"             (ODBC_ERROR) [DMExpress][ODBC SQL Server Wire Protocol driver][Microsoft SQL Server]sp_cursorzclose: The cursor identifier value provided (8) is not valid.

I tried below both queries to check which is running fine.


select COALESCE(cast (DATA as nvarchar),'') from ABC

select COALESCE(cast (DATA as nvarchar(4000)),'') from ABC

Anyone knows solution for this issue? Any workaround?

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