data extraction v 8.3

Posted by Admin on 09-Nov-2009 15:37

I need some guidance on extracting data from a Progress v 8.3 database. What tools will I need, and will the database respond to standard SQL queries? Please help, this is a real emergency for a client of mine.


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Posted by d.cook on 09-Nov-2009 18:56

Generally, you will need a 4GL development licence. With that you can use the Data Administration tool (called Data Dictionary in character mode) to dump data to space-separated text files.

And yes, you can make SQL queries, but from a 4GL procedure editor.But this probably won't help much.

For more information about dumping, see the section "Dumping and Loading" in the "Database Administration" document here: (this is the 9.1E document but should be similar)

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