Posted by Admin on 24-Mar-2010 10:13

Hello everybody, I finally can make a FTP conection and upload the txt file, but I have another problem, hehehehe!

First I made a shell (".sh" file) to configure the proces that conect to the FTP server
Second in my ".p" file I run the ".sh" through the next sentence:
               OS-COMMAND SILENT VALUE("query/ventas/ user password file reference").

as you can see in the instruction first I run the, next I write some variables (user, password, file's name and a reference)

Well, the problem is when I run the .sh file, the variables that I put in the last instrucion don't pass to the .sh file. Anyone knows what can be happening?
** When I do this in my testing environment they work perfectly, but when I change the parameter to conect to the real FTP server the variables don't pass!!

here is the code about the .sh file

echo 'FTP Starts .. ' $4

ftp -n << FIN
   user $1 $2
   lcd /query/ventas
   put $3
echo 'End ftp'

In fact, I can see that the variables didn't pass beacuse in my .p file i make an OUTPUT fiel to have a log and know about what happen with the ftp conection

this is the code to my .p file

OUTPUT TO VALUE("query/ventas/LogErr.txt") APPEND.
   PUT SKIP(1) STRING(TODAY, "99/99/9999") FORMAT "X(10)" " " STRING(TIME, "HH:MM:SS") SKIP.
   OS-COMMAND SILENT VALUE("query/ventas/ user password file reference").

All Replies

Posted by ChUIMonster on 24-Mar-2010 11:56

What errors show up in your log file?

Posted by Admin on 24-Mar-2010 12:27

It doesn't show me any log, just don't make the conection to the FTP server, when the .sh dile try to do the instruction it says "Login failed."

also as you can see in the .sh configuration I put a text that say

echo 'FTP Starts .. ' $4

and the variable 4 isn't display in the log, so that's way i guess that the variables are no passing

the funny thing about that is that when I do exactlly the same in my testing FTP server everyting is OK no error is there, but just I change the IP Host of my FTP server and de variables are missing. So to give a temporal solution to it I wrote the variables user and password, directly in the .sh file and it works perfect. But I'll like to do it as same as the testing  environment  anyway with that solution it works ok and for the moment I will do it like that, hehehehe.

In the onther hand, Now I also try to catch an error, in case that the conection doesn't can run, I mean something like define a variable in the .sh file and return it to my .p file to  indentify if the FTP process was OK, and send an e-mail reporting that. But I don't know how to make an out variable in the .sh file, o how can I confirm that the FTP process was right.

I'm trying this in the same .p file that runs the .sh file, I just add this code:


vTXT    = "/var/www/html/ejemplo.txt".


        PUT UNFORMAT 'Testing Email'  SKIP.


vcorreos = ''.

vcodigo = '$ ps aux | mail -s "Title Mail" ' + vcorreos + '


The FTP process runs perfect, but in the email code the log show this

/usr/bin/ksh: $:  not found.


do you know what does it mean?

P.S.- Sorry about my english I try to do it as best as I can

Posted by ChUIMonster on 24-Mar-2010 12:32

The leading "$" doesn't belong in your vcodigo variable.  It should be:

vcodigo = 'ps aux | mail -s "Title Mail" ' + vcorreos + '

Posted by ChUIMonster on 24-Mar-2010 12:44

Is this really what your code says:

OUTPUT TO VALUE("query/ventas/LogErr.txt") APPEND.
   PUT SKIP(1)  STRING(TODAY, "99/99/9999") FORMAT "X(10)" " " STRING(TIME, "HH:MM:SS")  SKIP.
   OS-COMMAND SILENT VALUE("query/ventas/ user  password file reference").

Is the path to the script really relative to $PATH?  (No leading "/" or "./"?)

Are user, password, file and reference literal text?  Or are they Progress variables that you want to be passed to the shell script like this:

vuser = "username".

vpassword = "password".

vfile = "filename".

vreference = "reference".

OUTPUT TO VALUE("query/ventas/LogErr.txt") APPEND.
   PUT SKIP(1)  STRING(TODAY, "99/99/9999") FORMAT "X(10)" " " STRING(TIME, "HH:MM:SS")  SKIP.
   OS-COMMAND SILENT VALUE( substitute( "query/ventas/ &1 &2 &3 &4", vuser,  vpassword, vfile, vreference )).

Additionally, when debugging these sorts of things I find it helpful to write the shell script like this:



echo 'FTP Starts .. ' $*

echo "arg1 = [${1}] arg1 = [${2}] arg1 = [${3}] arg1 = [${4}]"

ftp -n <
   user $1 $2
    lcd /query/ventas
   put $3
echo 'End ftp'

The first line ensures that the proper shell is used to run the script.

The "[" around the variables helps to identify extra blanks where I maybe didn't mean for them to be.

I change the text of the 1st echo line when I change the script to makke sure that the proper copy of it is running.

I would also add a trailing PUT to the Progress code that terminates the log file so that you know when control is passed back to the Progress program.

Posted by Admin on 24-Mar-2010 13:05

Yes they are literal variables:

this is my code in the .p file

OUTPUT TO VALUE("/pgm/ventas/LogErr.txt") APPEND.
   PUT SKIP(1) STRING(TODAY, "99/99/9999") FORMAT "X(10)" " " STRING(TIME, "HH:MM:SS") SKIP.
   OS-COMMAND SILENT VALUE("/pgm/ventas/blackberry/ user passwrod Daily(AllStores).txt VentasBlackBerry").   

and this is my .sh file

echo 'Starts FTP ... ' $4

ftp -n <
   use r$1 $2
   lcd /pgm/ventas/blackberry
   put $3
echo 'Ends ftp'

It try the code that you've written  but it doesn't work

the log show this

/usr/bin/ksh: 0403-057 Syntax error at line 1 : `(' is not expected.

Posted by ChUIMonster on 24-Mar-2010 13:13

Unix shells don't like "(" in file names.  If that is really the filename you need to escape the "(" and ")" like so:

OS-COMMAND  SILENT VALUE("/pgm/ventas/blackberry/ user passwrod  Daily~\(AllStores~\).txt VentasBlackBerry").

(The "\" escapes it for the unix shell, but since that is also a Progress escape character you need the "~" to escape the "\" for Progress.  Yes, it's kind of confusing.)

Posted by Admin on 24-Mar-2010 13:24

Is the same

It works OK with the "~\" that you say, in testing environment works perfect  but when I change the parameters to the other FTP server, the variables don't pass to the .sh file  look this is the log error with the code that you wrote:

FTP Starts .. user

arg1 = [ftpbby] arg1 = [] arg1 = [] arg1 = []

User user cannot log in.

Login failed.

View File

Local directory now /pgm/ventas/blackberry
(local-file) (remote-file) usage:put local-file remote-file
End ftp

I give up heheheh

Posted by ChUIMonster on 24-Mar-2010 14:11

My guess is that there are disallowed characters in the string after the user name.  You will have to post the real commands for anyone to make sense of it though.

Posted by Admin on 24-Mar-2010 14:23

Yes I was thinking about that, and I also made some test. And that it, beacuse de password starts with "#" caracter, and has more special caracters, so I erase just the password variable and works perfect.

Sooooo...  finally I decide just send the name of file, the reference like variables, and the user and passwrod I'll write them directly in the .sh file

and that's it now everything works OK !!!

So thanks a lot for your help, it really was good!! thanks a lot!!

do you have mail, for future question, hehehehehehe just a joke take care!!!

Posted by ChUIMonster on 24-Mar-2010 15:07

"#" is the shell comment character -- everything on the line after the "#" is ignored.

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