im trying to build a network based application, but i didn't know to connect using multi-user mode in appbuilder.
anyone who know what can i do?
thanks in advance.
but i didn't know to connect using multi-user mode in appbuilder.
Are you asking how to connect to a server or how to start a server?
Is your database on the same machine as the AppBuilder will be running or on a different machine/different platform?
same machine as my appbuilder running.
i want to establish a client server program.
how can i do that?
same machine as my appbuilder running.
i want to establish a client server program.
how can i do that?
From the OpenEdge program group in your start menu choose the "proenv" script. That opens a windows shell with the required environment set.
Switch to the folder in which your database resides and type:
preserve -S 12345
That will start a dabase server listening for connections on part 12345.
Then from the AppBuilder connect database dialog, connect to the database using the file open dialog and the "multiple users" toogle checked in the Options portion of that dialog.
got trouble about proenv.
how to switch to the folder?
im using cd command.
but still "proenv".
when im type "preserve -S 12345"
it say "preserve" in not recognized as an internal or external command, operable command or batch file.
how can i fixed this?
thanks again and sorry im newbie in this progress.
Sorry my fault. Try "proserve" instead of "preserve".
CD is the right command to switch to the folder, the prompt will always show proenv. (you may change the prompt with the prompt command when it's important for you)
And don't forget the db name as a parameter to proserve.
thanks, you help me a lot..
i hope you can help me again if i found any problem in my program.
thanks again.
God Bless.
For the long turn you might as well check the PDF docu for the
OpenEdge Explorer, a tool that allows you to launch DB's
automatically. From your screenshot I could see that you're on 10.2B
where OEE is available by default.
got another problem.
i can't connect my client to my server?
what should i do?
i thought file sharing is enough.
but its a big mistake.
anyone who can help me to solve my problem?
thanks in advance.
Progress is not MS Access :-) So file sharing is not suitable for a multi-user connection.
From the command line add
-db obf -H -S 12345
From the procedure editor:
Connect obf -H -S 12345
In the AppBuilder connection dialog enter the IP address of the DB server in the hostname field, obf as the database name and 12345 as the port number or service name.
got trouble to the 2nd pc.
connecting to the server..
command line means proenv?
connecting using procedure editor : "could not connect to server for database obf,errno 10060."
i have 2 pc..
pc1 for the server where
i open the proenv
and switch my folder then i type the proserve obf.db -S 12345
pc2 for my client where
i type proserve -db obf -H -S 12345
( is the ip address of the server.
when im in procedure editor running the connect obf -H -S 12345
i got an error, could not connect.
how can i fixed this error?
how can i fixed this error?
pc2 for my client where
i type proserve -db obf -H -S 12345
( is the ip address of the server.
when im in procedure editor running the connect obf -H -S 12345
i got an error, could not connect.
On the second PC don't use proserve, as that would (try to) start a server. Proserve needs to be run on the server.
On the second PC, try
prowin32 -db odf -H -S 12345
sir i got same error.
Firewall issue?
please tell me where i got wrong?
It's usually hard to guess everything a beginner may do wrong remotely. A consultant or trainer on site is usually a very effective way of starting...
For the current issue, it looks like you did start the server (proserve) using a lower case -s parameter. Progress startup parameters ARE case sensitive. Try starting the server (proserve) using a upper case -S 12345 instead.
To do so you'll first have to shut down the database server process:
proshut -by obs
no active server?
Ok. Sometimes I helps to read the output of commands that you run...
"This server is licensed for local logins only." (4393)
Wou only have development server licenses, not a workgroup or enterprise server license. A workgroup or enterprise server license is required to run client/server.
sir it means i need to buy or download free trial?
no another option?
No, there is no other option. The minimum license you require for client/server is a 5 user workgroup databse server.
sir. i got another problem accessing the server..
i have 2 client, my first cleint connect successfully but the other one says "tbl was used by client1, wait or choose cancel"..
what should i do..
i configure may server like this "proserve -db obf.db -H AREKUSHISU -S 12345"..
where i got wrong?
thanks in advance..
i got a screen shot of my 2 client..
i have 2 client, my first cleint connect successfully but the other one says "tbl was used by client1, wait or choose cancel"..
Answered here: