Progress Database issue

Posted by gsitin on 10-Dec-2012 17:29


I am a newbie. We have Epicor's Vantage 5 with Progress 9.1A database on Windows 2000 SP3. Lately, I am not able to backup the Vantage database or create a training database that I used to be able to. A similar problem happened to us couple of years ago. We were told our database schema grew more than 2 GB. A Progress tech was kind enough to bail us out by extending the schema. Now, I think I am back to square One. I do not remember what he did or how he resolved the issue.

Would anyone be kind enough to help me out or point me in the right direction on how to solve this problem? I'll provide more information if that'll help.

Thank you in advance,


All Replies

Posted by on 11-Dec-2012 06:17

While I would recommend buying a newer windows server - installing Progress 9.1E (latest version for v9) and migrating your data to that, I do realize that's not always possible. Usually due to bad upper management..

Can you provide us with your backup commands from the scheduler and some detail about the error?

Posted by gsitin on 11-Dec-2012 11:43

Thanks for replying. I am trying to restore the database for testing using "Prorest" and here is the error I get:

E:\EPIC50\PROGRESS\bin>Prorest E:\epic50\vntgtrn\db\vantage.db D:\dbbkup\backup.1

PROGRESS PATCH Version 9.1A26 as of November 27, 2000

** The database E:\epic50\vntgtrn\db\vantage is in use in multi-user mode. (276)

!!! ERROR - Database restore utility FAILED !!! (8564)



Posted by on 11-Dec-2012 11:47

Stop the database(s), then do the restore

Posted by gsitin on 11-Dec-2012 11:49

I will try after hours this evening. Thanks.

Posted by gsitin on 12-Dec-2012 10:12

I stopped the databases and tried to restore. This is the error I received:

E:\EPIC50\PROGRESS\bin>prorest e:\epic50\vntgtrn\db\vantage.db D:\dbbkup\backup.1

PROGRESS PATCH Version 9.1A26 as of November 27, 2000

e:\epic50\vntgtrn\db\vantage already exists. Do you want to over write it? [y/n]:  y

SYSTEM ERROR: Attempted to exceed 2GB limit with file E:\EPIC50\PROGRESS\bin\vantage.d15. (8898)

Unable to extend data files enough to proceed. (6743)

This is a full backup of E:\epic50\vantage\db\vantage.db. (6759)

This backup was taken Wed Sep 19 18:15:00 2012. (6760)

The blocksize is 8192. (6994)

It will require a minimum of 1232769 blocks to restore. (6763)

SYSTEM ERROR: Invalid block 1157889 for file E:\EPIC50\PROGRESS\bin\vantage.d15, max is 261903 (2329)

SYSTEM ERROR: Possible file truncation, 1157889 too big for database. (612)

Here is my file:


b .\vantage.b1 f 256000

b .\vantage.b2


d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d1 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d2 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d3 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d4 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d5 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d6 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d7 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d8 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d9 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d10 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d11 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d12 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d13 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d14 f 512000

d "Schema Area":6,64 .\vantage.d15

The size of vantage.d15 is 2.1 GB. I've attached the file sizes of our database.
Please help,

Posted by Peter Judge on 12-Dec-2012 10:16

9.1A is a very very very very very old version.

I would suggest contacting Progress tech support and asking for help with this.

Also, you might have more luck asking this question on the database forum (

-- peter

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