Progress 9.1E04 on Linux

Posted by stephanej on 04-Jun-2013 10:32

Hi all,

I'm new here and i hope someone can answer me...

We use an old ERP that run on Progress 9.1E04 database. With all the modifications done to the ERP, we cannot easily update to an other version nor change the system.

Actually, we have a database of around 60GB... on a Windows 2003 Server...

So I plan to change the Windows for a Linux to avoid the 2GB buffer limit of Windows cause the database is really slow....

Is there a way i can obtain the install files for Linux? Actually, we only have the Windows ones (9.1E install and update to 9.1E04).

I woul like to know if the products keys we have will work on a Linux server. (Enterprise DB, Report Builder , Query/RESULTS, Client Networking  and ProVISION)


All Replies

Posted by on 04-Jun-2013 11:03

The product keys on linux will be different than your windows ones. You need to contact either Progress or your reseller.

Also not sure if that would get you around the 2GB "buffer limit".

Posted by Rob Fitzpatrick on 05-Jun-2013 13:02

I believe there was a 64-bit RDBMS product in the 9.1E time frame, but I don't know if Linux was one of the supported platforms.  It might not have gone to 64-bit until 10.x.

If it was available, you would have to talk to your Progress rep (or vendor) to trade in your Windows licenses for Linux.  At that point they would give you serial numbers/control codes for Linux and the ability to download the new binaries.  Product codes are platform-specific.

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