Problems probkup with progress 9.1e04

Posted by stephanej on 26-Aug-2013 14:14

I got a message about every 2 days when the scheduled task of my probkup for my database:

Please enter next device/file name or type "Quit" to exit:

System: Progress 9.1E SP4

O/S : Windows Server 2003 Enterprise 32 bits

.pkb size: > 41GB (41.3GB when asking for an other device/file name yesterday)

HDD free space : 99.1GB

.bat command line : "call %DLC%\bin\probkup online <SOURCE> <DEST.pbk> -verbose -com"

Source and destiation file are on the same HDD.

If I enter an other file name, the backup process continue with a file of about 200MB...


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Posted by markl on 26-Aug-2013 14:20

I am currently out of the office, on annual leave, until Monday 2nd September.

If you have an urgent query please telephone 0191 2032500 for Orchard's Service Desk or email, otherwise, I will respond to your email when I return.

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