PRO2 Replication Rate

Posted by rjscho on 09-Jul-2019 21:19

We are using PRO2 version 5 in a WAN configuration.  What sort of replication rate can we expect?  We don't seem to get much above 250K records per hour.  Is that normal?  If not, is there a way to tune it to work faster?

All Replies

Posted by Satya Prasad on 10-Jul-2019 14:38

To speed up the replication you can use ‘SPLIT THREAD” functionality. This functionality will split the table level updates to multiple replication threads.

Support for split threads was added in 5.0.3.  It is not a custom option.  Split threads are documented in the Pro2 Users Guide which states:

Note: You need additional Data Server license to run these additional threads.

Posted by rjscho on 10-Jul-2019 20:16

Thanks Satya = we have 5 threads running now.  Are you saying we would need an additional license for each thread split?  I read the User Guide and it wasn't clear on licensing for split threads.  We will be setting up a dev environment in the next few months so I will see if I can try it then.

Thanks for your response,


Posted by Satya Prasad on 11-Jul-2019 14:24

>> Are you saying we would need an additional license for each thread split?
Yes. Each of the split thread need an additional data server license (This licensing process is equivalent of adding thread 6)

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