Is there a Progress.ssl.dll dependency that is used by the .

Posted by dbeavon on 10-Apr-2019 13:01

We use local copies of the strongnamed-signed openclient assemblies on our build server so the .Net compiler can reference them as necessary.

I have questions about Progress.ssl.dll.

We are upgrading (11.3 to 11.7) and I noticed that we still have a Progress.ssl.dll lying around.  Is this needed anymore?  I cannot find it in the dotnet directory within the 11.7 installation (DLC).  I'm uncertain, but leaning towards the opinion that I can blow it away.  Here are my arguments FOR blowing it away and against:

FOR removal:

AGAINST removal:

It doesn't seem like this is the type of question that should be answered by flipping a coin.  But maybe we can answer it with the democratic process.  Can someone please give me the tie-breaking vote, so I know whether to get rid of the dll or keep it around?

Thanks, David

All Replies

Posted by dbeavon on 10-Apr-2019 13:04

Sorry, that KB article is  P159240. But my link excluded the "0" on the end - for some reason.

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 10-Apr-2019 13:20

It isn’t needed for 11.7 generated .NET proxies.  It was unmanaged code for handling SSL that has been converted over to managed code located in Progress.o4glrt.dll.
Brian Maher
Principal Engineer, Technical Support
14 Oak Park | Bedford, MA 01730 | USA
+1 781 280 3075

Posted by dbeavon on 10-Apr-2019 15:21

Thanks for confirming that again Brian.

Those docs should be fixed.  (It probably isn't even necessary to include a list of assembly names on that web page, since it is enough that *proxygen* knows where to get its assemblies from and passes them along to us).

I will blow away that assembly and see what happens.  

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