We use local copies of the strongnamed-signed openclient assemblies on our build server so the .Net compiler can reference them as necessary.
I have questions about Progress.ssl.dll.
We are upgrading (11.3 to 11.7) and I noticed that we still have a Progress.ssl.dll lying around. Is this needed anymore? I cannot find it in the dotnet directory within the 11.7 installation (DLC). I'm uncertain, but leaning towards the opinion that I can blow it away. Here are my arguments FOR blowing it away and against:
FOR removal:
AGAINST removal:
It doesn't seem like this is the type of question that should be answered by flipping a coin. But maybe we can answer it with the democratic process. Can someone please give me the tie-breaking vote, so I know whether to get rid of the dll or keep it around?
Thanks, David
Sorry, that KB article is P159240. But my link excluded the "0" on the end - for some reason.
Brian Maher
Principal Engineer, Technical Support
14 Oak Park | Bedford, MA 01730 | USA
Thanks for confirming that again Brian.
Those docs should be fixed. (It probably isn't even necessary to include a list of assembly names on that web page, since it is enough that *proxygen* knows where to get its assemblies from and passes them along to us).
I will blow away that assembly and see what happens.