Hi to all.
I installed OE 11.7.2 version on a PC with Windows 10 operating system.
I am newbie about GUI.NET programs so i decided to study a little and create sample GUI.NET test programs.
My question perhaps is very easy and silly.
When i run one of this tests programs i receive this Progress Information.
PROGRESS INFORMATION - Launching delegate
Never ends this message and to stop i need to restart PC.
What is it ???
Where am i worng and forst of all what have i to do to solve that issue ???
Regards in advance
This thread discusses the same issue. There is a suggestion near the end of the thread which says to set "Launch in background" in the run configuration to avoid the issue.
Thanks Matt for your kind answer.
I noticed also it is better set '' START a New Avm '' in Run Configurations TABS.
I did this and now i solved problem.
Thanks a lot.