Who can have access to SupportLink?

Posted by Valeriy Bashkatov on 08-Sep-2015 10:08


I just wanted to ask: Who can have access to SupportLink? Where can I read the relevant rules?


Posted by Brian K. Maher on 09-Sep-2015 08:09

The following should make it clearer...
Company X purchases Progress, writes an application and sells it to company Y.
People from company X can have access to SupportLink.  People from company Y cannot have access as they are not our direct customer.  They are the direct customer of company X.
Company Y must also contact company X to obtain support (and not Progress).  If company X cannot provide the answer they must open a call with Progress on company Y'x behalf.
Sincerely, Brian Maher
P.S. I believe that if company Y were to purchase development licenses directly from us (Progress) then we will provide support for them on those licenses but we still will not be able to help with issues coming directly from the application written by company X.  This is because we don't know anything about the application and anything we tell them to do may cause application issues.  I am not sure of purchasing development licenses directly from us would enable them to gain SupportLink access.  I believe it should but am not certain.

All Replies

Posted by Chris Harris on 08-Sep-2015 11:21

Any direct end user or application partner of Progress Software who has an active maintenance contract can register for SupportLink access.

Posted by Valeriy Bashkatov on 09-Sep-2015 07:59

Who are the "direct end users"?

One of our clients tried to register, but will receive the following message.

"direct end users" it is not "end user"?

And "...a serial number or customer number from a Progress customer..."  - "Progress customer" it is not "End user"?

something I do not understand and very confused...

anyone can explain to me "who is who"?

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 09-Sep-2015 08:08

If the serial number comes from an ISV, the company is supposed to get their Progress support *through* the ISV.  A *direct* end user is presumably a company that purchased Progress products *from* Progress.

Posted by Brian K. Maher on 09-Sep-2015 08:09

The following should make it clearer...
Company X purchases Progress, writes an application and sells it to company Y.
People from company X can have access to SupportLink.  People from company Y cannot have access as they are not our direct customer.  They are the direct customer of company X.
Company Y must also contact company X to obtain support (and not Progress).  If company X cannot provide the answer they must open a call with Progress on company Y'x behalf.
Sincerely, Brian Maher
P.S. I believe that if company Y were to purchase development licenses directly from us (Progress) then we will provide support for them on those licenses but we still will not be able to help with issues coming directly from the application written by company X.  This is because we don't know anything about the application and anything we tell them to do may cause application issues.  I am not sure of purchasing development licenses directly from us would enable them to gain SupportLink access.  I believe it should but am not certain.

Posted by Valeriy Bashkatov on 09-Sep-2015 08:24

Thank you all! Now everything is was falling into place.

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