Rollbase Google Charts and OpenEdge Objects

Posted by MarkT on 24-Jun-2015 10:05

Hi All,

I've been trying to use the built-in google charting within Rollbase against OpenEdge objects but I can't get anything sensible out of them.  Has anyone else had any problems with google charting against OpenEdge objects?



All Replies

Posted by gabriel.lucaciu on 25-Jun-2015 11:03

Hi Mark,

I think it depends which issues do you encounter.

For example, some encountered this type of issue:

Posted by MarkT on 26-Jun-2015 08:01

Hi Gabriel,

I'm unable to chart against OpenEdge objects with relationships and get any sensible data out.  Most of the time I'd get a message saying no data - even though there is data.  It's strange as I can get all of the data I want out of reports quite easily.



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