Accessing Porgress with Java Aplication.

Posted by Admin on 28-May-2009 19:19

I am new the Progress and have a project that requires me to create a Java Ap that has a JTable which I have done. Now I need to have the Ap store the data in an existing Progress Database, I have the drivers but am struggling in getting a connection to the database so I can test the the Ap. Can someone point me in the right direction so that I can get over this hurtle.

Thank You

All Replies

Posted by Thomas Mercer-Hursh on 31-May-2009 13:12

You have two choices, SQL or AppServer.  The latter is a far better approach if you are going to be doing a lot of this.  If it is a very limited application, SQl might get it done for you.  Have you done the setup for SQL?  If not, you might find some tips here about how to get started.  The Progress broker needs to have been started with SQL enabled, so you might want to check on that.

Posted by Admin on 03-Jun-2009 18:13

Thanks for the suggestion, I have been breaking the problem down into workable parts so I took your suggestion and started with the database.

Step One-
            I am trying to access a virtual server that holds the database. I went into the file folders to confirm that the jdbc drivers were installed and they were. I went to the Environment Variables and entered;

            Created a CLASSPATH

            Set Path

Step Two-
            I did the same on my computer;

            Created a CLASSPATH

            Set Path

Step Three-
            I used a java program to try and connect to the database from my computer using this program;

            import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.*;

public class JDBCDriverInformation {
            static String userid="sysprogress", password = "*****";
            static String url = "jdbc:jdbcprogress:T:@@@@:&&&";                      static Connection con = null;
            public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
                Connection con = getProgressJDBCConnection();
                if(con!= null){
                   System.out.println("Got Connection.");
                   DatabaseMetaData meta = con.getMetaData();
                   System.out.println("Driver Name : " + meta.getDriverName());
                   System.out.println("Driver Version : " + meta.getDriverVersion());

                            System.out.println("Could not Get Connection");

            public static Connection getProgressJDBCConnection(){

                        try {
                                    Class.forName("com.progress.sql.jdbc.JdbcProgressDrive");                            } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {
                                    System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");

                        try {
                           con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, userid, password);
                        } catch(SQLException ex) {
                                    System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());

                        return con;


I get this error;

            ClassNotFoundException: com.progress.sql.jdbc.JdbcProgressDrive
SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:jdbcprogress:T:@@@@:&&&
Could not Get Connection

I’m at a lose to were to go from here is their anyone how has seen this or knows what might be wrong.

Posted by Admin on 20-Jul-2009 03:04

depends on your Progress version, this is a example for 10.2A

# Java-JDBC Progress tool.

export JAVA_HOME;
DLC="/usr/dlcOE.10.2A"; export DLC;

javac -classpath $PJCP;
java -classpath $PJCP JdbcProgressTest;

// Module:

import java.sql.*;

class  JdbcProgressTest
    protected static final boolean debugFlag = true;
    protected static final PrintStream o = System.out;
    protected static final String ColString = "COLUMNS";
    protected static final String TblString = "TABLES";
    protected static final String ViewString = "VIEWS";
    protected static final String CallString = "CALL";
    protected static final String AutocommitString = "AUTOCOMMIT";
    protected static final int MAX_SQLSTMTLEN = 35000;

    public static void main (String args[])
            String url    = null;
            String userid = null;
            String passwd = null;
            String query  = null;

            switch (args.length)
            case 0:
                userid= "rares";
                passwd= "";
            case 1:
                url   = args[0];
                userid= "user1";
                passwd= "dummy";
            case 2:
                url   = args[0];
                userid= args[1];
                passwd= "dummy";
            case 3:
                url   = args[0];
                userid= args[1];
                passwd= args[2];
                System.out.println("\nUsage: java/jview JdbcProgressTest " +
                                   " [[[]  ] ] ");


            // Load the driver

            Class.forName ("com.ddtek.jdbc.openedge.OpenEdgeDriver");

        pStream = null;

            if (debugFlag)
                 //  Create  a PrintStream using System.out
                pStream = new, true);
                //  Create  PrintStream using a file.
       outFile   =
                pStream   = new, true);

            // Enable JDBC tracing

            // Attempt to connect to a driver.  Each one
            // of the registered drivers will be loaded until
            // one is found that can process this URL

            java.util.Properties  prop = new java.util.Properties();
            prop.put("user", userid);
            prop.put("password", passwd);

            // We have to add any other options as additional
            // properties in the prop argument.
            // e.g., prop.put\("Caller", "ProgressTest"\);

            Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection (
                      url, prop);

            // If we were unable to connect, an exception
            // would have been thrown.  So, if we get here,
            // we are successfully connected to the URL

            // Check for, and display and warnings generated
            // by the connect.

            checkForWarning (con.getWarnings ());


            // o.println("\nConnected to " + url);

            // Get the DatabaseMetaData object and display
            // some information about the connection

            DatabaseMetaData dma = con.getMetaData ();

            o.println("\nConnected to " + dma.getURL());
            o.println("Driver       " +
            o.println("Version      " +
            if (con.getAutoCommit())
                o.println("Autocommit is on");
                o.println("Autocommit is off");

            byte[] bArray = new byte[MAX_SQLSTMTLEN + 1];
            boolean           rs_exists = false;
            ResultSet         rs   = null;
            PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
            CallableStatement callstmt = null;

        InputStreamReader s_r = new InputStreamReader(;
        BufferedReader b_r = new BufferedReader (s_r);

            while (true)
                o.print ("ProTest> ");

                query = b_r.readLine();

                query = query.trim();

                if (query.endsWith(";"))
                    query = query.substring(0, query.length() - 1);
                    query = query.trim();

                if (query.length() == 0)

                if (query.equalsIgnoreCase("quit"))

                // Execute the statement.

                    if (tablesCmd(query))
                        String[] types = {"TABLE","SYSTEM TABLE"};
                        String   t_patrn= query.substring(TblString.length());
                        t_patrn = t_patrn.trim();

                        if (t_patrn.length() == 0)
                            rs = dma.getTables("","","%",types);
                            rs = dma.getTables("","",t_patrn,types);
                        rs_exists = true;
                    } else if (viewsCmd(query) == true)
                        String[] types = {"VIEW"};
                        String   v_patrn= query.substring(ViewString.length());
                        v_patrn = v_patrn.trim();

                        if (v_patrn.length() == 0)
                            rs = dma.getTables("","","%",types);
                            rs = dma.getTables("","",v_patrn,types);
                        rs_exists = true;
                    } else if (autocommitCmd(query) == true)
                        String[] types = {"VIEW"};
                        String   a_patrn= query.substring(
                        a_patrn = a_patrn.trim();

                        if (a_patrn.equalsIgnoreCase("off"))
                            con.setAutoCommit( false );
                        else if (a_patrn.equalsIgnoreCase("on"))
                            con.setAutoCommit( true );
                        else o.println( "Form is autocommit ( on | off )");
                        if (con.getAutoCommit())
                            o.println("Autocommit is on");
                            o.println("Autocommit is off");

                    } else if (columnsCmd(query) == true)
                        String   t_patrn= query.substring(ColString.length());
                        t_patrn = t_patrn.trim();

                        if (t_patrn.length() == 0)
                            //rs = dma.getColumns("","","%","%");
                            o.println("Specify a table pattern");
                            rs = dma.getColumns("","",t_patrn,"%");
                        rs_exists = true;
                    } else if (callStmt(query) == true)
                        callstmt = con.prepareCall(query);
                        rs_exists = callstmt.execute();
                        if (rs_exists == true)
                            rs = callstmt.getResultSet();
                        } else
                            int updCount = callstmt.getUpdateCount();
                            o.println( "RowCount is " + updCount);

                    } else if (query.equalsIgnoreCase("types"))
                        rs = dma.getTypeInfo();
                        rs_exists = true;
                    } else if (query.equalsIgnoreCase("commit"))
                        rs_exists = false;
                    } else if (query.equalsIgnoreCase("rollback"))
                        rs_exists = false;
                    } else if (query.equalsIgnoreCase("?"))
                        o.println( "Commands are: ");
                        o.println( "        TABLES  [name]");
                        o.println( "        VIEWS   [name]");
                        o.println( "        COLUMNS [name]");
                        o.println( "        CALL    [name]");
                        o.println( "        types");
                        o.println( "        commit");
                        o.println( "        rollback");
                        o.println( "        autocommit on | off");
                        o.println( "        quit");
                        o.println( "        ?");
                        o.println( "        SQL statement to prepare, execute");
                        o.println( "            -- statement can have parms");
                        pstmt = con.prepareStatement(query);
                        rs_exists = pstmt.execute();
                        if (rs_exists == true)
                            rs = pstmt.getResultSet();
                        } else
                            int updCount = pstmt.getUpdateCount();
                            o.println( "RowCount is " + updCount);
                    if (rs_exists == true)
                        // Display all columns and rows from the result set
                        dispResultSet (rs);
                        rs_exists = false;
                catch (SQLException ex)
                // Close the statement
                if (pstmt != null)
                pstmt = null;

                if (callstmt != null)
                callstmt = null;
            // Close the connection
        catch (SQLException ex)

            // A SQLException was generated.  Catch it and
            // display the error information.  Note that there
            // could be multiple error objects chained
            // together

            o.println ("*** (debugging) in sql exception block...");

            while (ex != null)
                o.println ("SQLState: " +
                                    ex.getSQLState ());
                o.println ("Message:  " +
                                    ex.getMessage ());
                o.println ("VendorCode:   " +
                                    ex.getErrorCode ());
                ex = ex.getNextException ();
                o.println ("");

        catch (java.lang.Exception ex)
            o.println ("*** (debugging) in general exception block...");
            // Got some other type of exception.  Dump it.
            ex.printStackTrace ();

            o.println ("@JdbcProgressTest:finally");


    // checkForWarning
    // Checks for and displays warnings.  Returns true if a warning
    // existed

    private static boolean checkForWarning (SQLWarning warn)
        throws SQLException
            boolean rc = false;

            // If a SQLWarning object was given, display the
            // warning messages.  Note that there could be
            // multiple warnings chained together

            if (warn != null)
                o.println ("\n *** Warning ***\n");
                rc = true;
                while (warn != null)
                    o.println ("SQLState: " +
                    warn.getSQLState ());
                    o.println ("Message:  " +
                    warn.getMessage ());
                    o.println ("Vendor:   " +
                    warn.getErrorCode ());
                    o.println ("");
                    warn = warn.getNextWarning ();
            return rc;

    // dispResultSet
    // Displays all columns and rows in the given result set

    private static void dispResultSet (ResultSet rs)
        throws SQLException
            int i,j;

            // Get the ResultSetMetaData.  This will be used for
            // the column headings

            ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData ();

            // Get the number of columns in the result set

            int numCols = rsmd.getColumnCount ();

            // Display column headings

            for (i=1; i
                if (i > 1)

                String label  = rsmd.getColumnLabel(i);

            for (i=1; i
                if (i > 1)
                String label  = rsmd.getColumnLabel(i);
                for (j = 0; j

            // Display data, fetching until end of the result set

            while ( ())
                // Loop through each column, getting the
                // column data and displaying

                for (i=1; i
                    if (i > 1) System.out.print(",");

                // Fetch the next result set row


    // tablesCmd returns true if its a Tables Command
    // else false
    private static boolean tablesCmd (String query)

        String u_query = query.toUpperCase();
        if ((u_query.startsWith(TblString)) ||
             (u_query.startsWith(TblString + " ")))
            return true;
        return  false;

    // ViewsCmd returns true if its a Views Command
    // else false
    private static boolean viewsCmd (String query)

        String u_query = query.toUpperCase();
        if ((u_query.startsWith(ViewString)) ||
            (u_query.startsWith(ViewString + " ")))
            return true;
        return  false;

    // columnsCmd returns true if its a Columns Command
    // else false
    private static boolean columnsCmd (String query)

        String u_query = query.toUpperCase();
        if ((u_query.startsWith(ColString)) ||
            (u_query.startsWith(ColString + " ")))
            return true;
        return  false;

    // CallStmt returns true if its a Procedure Call Statement
    // else false
    private static boolean callStmt (String query)

        String u_query = query.toUpperCase();
        if ((u_query.startsWith(CallString)) ||
            (u_query.startsWith(CallString + " ")))
            return true;
        return  false;

    // autocommitCmd returns true if its an autocommit Command
    // else false
    private static boolean autocommitCmd (String query)

        String u_query = query.toUpperCase();
        if ((u_query.startsWith(AutocommitString)) ||
            (u_query.startsWith(AutocommitString + " ")))
            return true;
        return  false;

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