Progress Dump

Posted by Admin on 04-Aug-2009 02:13

What is meant bu Progress Dump

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Posted by Admin on 04-Aug-2009 02:17


Progress Dump means, It is a collection of Question Papers regarding to progress software.

It is useful to know about progress.

In Net there are lot of Java Dump, Dot Net Dump, etc are available.

Just you google it.



Posted by ChUIMonster on 04-Aug-2009 10:10

That depends on the context where the term is used.  You might, for instance, be referring to a "stack dump" that occurs when a session is abnormally terminated.  Or you could be referring to a database dump (also known as an "export").  Or you may be referring to something completely different.

If you provide a bit more context we may be able to provide a better answer.

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