Record Buffers

Posted by Admin on 08-Sep-2009 07:36

Syntax for record buffer is

DEFINE BUFFER <buffer-name> FOR <table-name>.

for eg: Define buffer samp_buffer for customer

my doubt is what it means if it is mentioned as

define buffer samp_buffer for (&customer)

tell me the difference between two satements


All Replies

Posted by Admin on 08-Sep-2009 07:45

That depends on what {&customer} has been set to previously.

It can be either a named parameter to an include file of a SCOPED/GLOBAL defined preprocessor variable, like

&SCOPED-DEFINE customer xyz

In that case the preprocessor (part of the compiler) will replace {&customer} with xyz before doing the actual compilation.

COMPILE yourfile.p PREPROCESS c:\temp\yourfile.txt.

will generate the preprocessor listing to c:\temp\yourfile.txt. There you'll see the actual compiled code. Depending on the amount of include files, that may be substantially longer than the .p file.

Posted by Admin on 08-Sep-2009 08:33

Thx Mike

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