OS-COPY: how to displays the status of an upload in the form

Posted by magsoa on 12-May-2010 13:07

Dear all,

I would like to know if there is a method do displays the status of an upload in the form of a progress bar. I am developing one application using the command OS-COPY (OpenEdge 10.1a) that will copy some big files over WAN.

Thanks in advance,


All Replies

Posted by Admin on 13-May-2010 05:43

I doubt that's possible using the OS-COPY statement.

You could try to break that up into smaller chunks (1k, 8k, ...) and use an something like

OUTPUT TO .... and


Basically reading the source file and writing to the target file yourself. That will produce some overhead but will be able to display some progress information and provide a cancel button.

Posted by magsoa on 13-May-2010 07:03

Hello Mike,

thanks for your answer. My problem is that I need to copy files that are in diferent formats, like .DOC, .PDF, .ZIP, with different sizes (small, medium and large).

Best regards,


Posted by Admin on 13-May-2010 07:13

INPUT FROM ... BINARY and OUTPUT TO ... BINARY don't care about the file type at all.

Could be anything you need.

Posted by Admin on 13-May-2010 07:13

Here's a link that might help you:


It's actually a webspeed program.

Instead of outputting to the WEBSTREAM you need to defined a stream yourself, open a binary output file and do something like:

PUT STREAM youroutputstreeam CONTROL vfileline.

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