I have few tables say for examples Employee, Department and Salgrade. I am using 3 queries to fetch data and getting 3 different parts. I wanted to do it in parallel. I wanted to merg these data(s) into one XML file. Please let me know how to develop java script to merg the data from 3 parallel quires.
I could able to do it sequentionally but I wanted it parally.
I go through the parallel and for each examples they did not help me with my example.
Each query result part will be as follows.
Thanks in advance.
Swaroop Kunduru.
The easiest might be to have a prodataset with the Employee, Department and Salgrade tables in it. Populate them with one or more queries, and call WRITE-XML() or WRITE-JSON() (depending on version). This code is, of course, in ABL, and not JavaScript.
-- peter
The above example I took for figuring out to deal with parallel process. The queries are complex and may need further process after query. I could not get an Idea how to append the result XML to one XQMessage. If in sequentional order just add part by name but in parallel process i am still lost. Any Idea?
Swaroop Kunduru.