Call For Speakers -- PUG Challenge Americas June 2011

Posted by TdeV on 01-Nov-2010 13:04

We are now accepting session proposals for PUG Challenge Americas 2011, the premiere face-to-face conference for Progress® users in the Americas! Proposals are due December 15th, 2010 for conference June 5-8th, 2011 in Nashua, NH.

Our goal is to deliver valuable and highly technical content to people involved in developing, integrating, managing and improving Progress applications. Presentations can include both Progress and non-Progress technologies that support or complement Progress applications.

Your session could be organized as a detailed “how-to” presentation, a case study demonstrating an implementation or a Best Practices illustration. Regular session slots are 60 minutes long and should allow time for Q&A following your presentation. Workshops are 3 hours long and include lab-like exercises. Participants will bring their own computers, but we will facilitate cloud deployment of workshop materials.

So what do we ask of you? Your ideas for sessions that you would be interested in presenting at PUG Challenge Americas 2011.

You may submit more than one session proposal. Preliminary Agenda will be published Jan 15th, Revised Agenda Feb 28th, PowerPoint slides due May 15th. Proposals received after the deadline will be considered only on a space available basis.

Submissions for talks should include:

* Presenter name, company, job title, and contact information

* Title of talk

* Short summary

* Intended audience

* Outline

* Suggested tags appropriate to the talk (4GL, Database, SaaS, Performance etc.)

* Speaker bio

Good Luck! We look forward to seeing many great proposals and working with you to make a memorable experience. Please submit your proposals on or before December 15th, 2010 to

For more information

Write to: or visit our website:

Follow us on Twitter: @PUGAmericas

Follow us on LinkedIn & Facebook: "PUG Challenge Americas"


Theresa de Valence

Marketing Coordinator

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