Installation problem with JOB-4.3.4, using JDK1.7.0_01

Posted by Williamarc on 10-Dec-2011 12:25

Hi everybody. I apologize in advance if my problem's explanation is naive, but I'm new at the subject.

Yesterday I downloaded and unzipped it under C:, so two dirs were created, C:\JOB-4.3.4 and C:\JOB-4.3.4-bin.

I created the dir OOC\bin and copied the contents of C:\JOB-4.3.4-bin\bin, so to have JIDL at hand.

Then I started a command prompt, moved to C:\JOB-4.3.4 and launched the following command:

ant -Dinstall.dir=C:\OOC.

I work with Windows 7 Professional, 32 bit, only Java, JDK1.7.0_01.

There was an error compiling JOB-4.3.4\ob\test\poa\, at line 107:

error: cannot find symbol       servant = current.get_servant();

so the build failed and the JARs weren't generated.

I can compile by means of JDK1.6.0_29, at the same conditions.

Does anyone know if there's a way to compile by using JDK1.7 ?



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