ODBC - error retrieving decimal values

Posted by ricardorossa on 02-May-2012 09:37


I have a WindowsForms VB.Net application that connects with Progress by ODBC (OpenEdge 102B), when I retrieving any decimal values from DataBase the ODBC generates a internal error:

ERROR [HY000] [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver][OPENEDGE]Encountered internal error in SQL ENGINE at 3968 in /vobs_sql/sql/src/progstub/pro_cache.cxx. Contact Progress Technical Support

My select command:

SELECT Sum("PUB"."prices"."price-value") FROM "PUB"."prices"

The field "price-value" is decimal, others fields with differents types returns correct.

Someone have a help?
Database Server is Progress 102B SP5
My client driver is Progress 102B SP5 (connecting by OpenEdge ODBC)


All Replies

Posted by ricardorossa on 04-May-2012 08:31

I tryed to select only one record, but not success. I added a where clause and changed "sum(field)" to simple "count(...)", the same error.

My server is 64bits. I tested with odbc 102b client 32bits with server 64bits and odbc 102b client64bits and server 64bits, the same error. When return any decimal fields in other tables returns the same error.

Any help?


Posted by robw@hltool.com on 04-May-2012 08:36

can you remove the sum/count and just do a select to view the data via ODBC?  Without the error?

Posted by ricardorossa on 04-May-2012 09:23


When execute a simple select (without sum/count) returns the same error, the error returns only when I select any decimal field (other fields types returns ok).


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