Error 303 when running a process

Posted by marilynsacher on 10-Jul-2012 10:10


I'm not sure it's the right forum, but i hope somebody could help me.

I run a progress procedure. I'm reading a first file and i use the data of this file to write another file. During the treatment, the following error occured "UNIX maximum file size exceeded. <program>. (303)".

But the size of my input file is only 122 M, and it stops to write the output when the size of the output is 76 M. I don't understand why this error occured and what i can do to fix the treatment in order to write my whole output file.

Thank you for your help


All Replies

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 10-Jul-2012 10:38

This sounds like either a "ulimit" error (the shell limits the size of the file(s) you can create), or your code is trying to create a file that > 2G in size, and large files haven't been enabled.


Posted by marilynsacher on 10-Jul-2012 10:54

Thanks for your response.

I don't thimk It's a ulimit error. When i use the ulimit command, it returns "unlimited" and The size of output file is 72 M when the error occured.
But you say "the shell limits the size of the file(s) you can create". Do you mean the .sh ? How a shell can limits the size of file ? I'm not sure to understand.

Posted by Tim Kuehn on 10-Jul-2012 12:17

The error is "file too big", so something your process is doing is creating a Really Big File.

If it's not a ulimit, and the output file is small, then something else you're doing is bumping up into that limit.

Posted by gus on 10-Jul-2012 13:11

It could be some other file you are using that is hitting the file size limit. Some of the possibilities are the temporary file used when sorting, the local before-image file, or one of the files that is part of a database you are using.

Posted by rogeliolt on 24-Jul-2012 09:39


Dumping data over 2 Gigabytes in the Data Dictionary

** UNIX maximum file size exceeded. . (303)


Although the operating system might support large files, some Progress

files, in particular those that are directly accessed by 4GL client

code (such as Data Dictionary .d files), still have a 2GB size



Dump the data with a binary dump rather than through the data

dictionary with the proutil -C dump utility.

Information from Progress KYB.

Posted by gus on 24-Jul-2012 10:42

This kbase article is outdated. Releases that are not ancient do not have this 2GB file size limitation in the 4GL.

This thread is closed