Ok, I search, but I never found it... but, the solution for my problem is this...
def var c like customer.cust_nom.
def var b like customer.cust_nom.
def var ctes like customer.cust_id.
def var i as i.
def var d as i.
update ctes with frame g.
find first customer where customer.cust_id = ctes
no-lock no-error.
if available customer then do:
i = length(customer.cust_nom) + 1.
do while(i
i = i + 1.
d = d + 1.
c = c + "-".
b = customer.cust_nom + c.
display b.
in OpenEdge 10.1c this is the code...
def var c like customer.cust_nom.
find first customer where customer.cust_cte = "45"
no-lock no-error.
if available gecctecc then do:
c = customer.cust_nom.
c = customer.cust_nom + fill("-", (65 - length(gecctecc.c_nom))).
display c.
the result is this...
Original String:
New String:
"ROGELIO LOPEZ----------------------------------------------------------"