Variable RAW and Export under OpenOffice

Posted by Admin on 07-Apr-2011 02:39

I am developer Progress.
I export data under OpenOffice ( no major problem).
On the other hand I would like to realize the export of the data "hidden" (openoffice opens at the end of the import).
I found a code to make that in macro under OpenOffice.

Dim AdresseDoc As String
Dim PropFich(0) as New
dim MonDocument as object
PropFich(0).NAME = "Hidden" 'nom de l'argument
PropFich(0).Value = True 'valeur de l'argument
AdresseDoc= convertToURL("c:\testcolonne.ods")
MonDocument=starDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(AdresseDoc, "_blank", 0 ,PropFich())
MonDocument.sheets.getByName("Feuille1").getCellRangeByName("A1").string = "Test"

But with Progress I do not find solution.
It is not possible to make that with progress

PropFich(0).NAME = "Hidden"
PropFich(0).Value = True

The code which I have make :

DEFINE VARIABLE Args AS RAW.  --> The variable by defaut is defined RAW

CREATE "" chExcelApplication.
chDesktop = chExcelApplication:createInstance("").
Args      = chExcelApplication:Bridge_getStruct("").
Args:NAME  = "Hidden".

chDocument = chDesktop:loadComponentFromURL(cAdresseDoc, "_blank", 0, Args).

I tried some type of variable for "Args"  but no improvement.
Syntax is not valid.
Somebody would have an idea ?
Thank you.

All Replies

Posted by jquerijero on 30-Aug-2012 14:35

Were you able to figure out how to pass an array of name-value pair?

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